After many years of Endometriosis I finally had Total Hysterectomy & both ovaries removed. I managed 2 months without any HRT but had been on herbal/holistic approach. Unfortunately I developed hair loss & Vaginal atrophy so asked to be put on a low dose oestrogel which for 2 month worked wonderfully but 3weeks ago I started with a painful abdomen.
I had an appointment with my local Dr's yesterday as I'm concerned about pain I'm in at present but they haven't a clue!
I've severe spinal pain from waist to top of bottom & awful abdomen pain that moves around or is generally just painful. I feel terribly sick all the time as well.
Apparently I've not a temperature, blood pressure is fine & I've no pee infection.
My question is could it be endometriosis coming back? Should I stop taking HRT but if it's endometriosis back will it die off again? I'm in so much pain that I'm on pain relief & anti sickness tablets!
Any advice would be gratefully accepted!
Em xx