I am 58 and had a total hysterectomy 16 years ago, because I was told I had extremely bad pelvic inflammatory disease.
now after years and years of problems, bladder, bowels ( from which I also bleed a lot) , etc. i had an appendectomy where endometriosis was found on the appendix. I have since developed symptoms of thoracic endometriosis,.
Somewhere along my journey, I ending up keeping a letter meant for my GP, so I opened it, and discovered that I was also had had ademioma , seen after the hysterectomy,which I had never been told about.
My gynaecologist has told me to stop hrt as she says I will endometriosis in my pelvis and probably Bowles, I’ve just has a very very painful colonoscopy, where he said my bowels are stuck together. She also said she will see me in 12 months ,
When I came off the hrt, I went into severe depression which made me having silly thoughts and still having t
All endo symptoms, the gp put me on hrt patches, which have helped but I know gynaecologist won’t be too happy about. But to be honest, telling me to come back in 12 months, I don’t not think this is good enough.
I would love anybody’s thoughts. 😊😊😊