I had a Laparoscopy in October, since then the pain has been so much worse. Has anyone else experienced this? The only option I've been given is hormonal contraception which I dont want as we are trying for a baby.I don't know what else I can do.
Pain post surgery : I had a Laparoscopy in... - Endometriosis UK
Pain post surgery

Do you know what stage/severity of endo you had?
It's stage 2
Was it by a general gynaecologist and did they treat it? Do you have a discharge note that gives much details as to where it was and what they did?
I had my lap done back in 2020 and I was the same I was and have been a lot worse since having my lap my gyne said the same to just go on contraception knowing full well it makes me worse and has done for years! I would just keep going back and being persistent or ask for someone new to see which now I have done
Unfortunately general gynecologist should not really touch endometriosis, they make it worse. I never heard enyone who had it better after ablation. For endometriosis only excision by experienced endometriosis especialist. I'm so sorry for your pain, I would recommend endometriosis especialist on icarebetter website or Nancy's nook on Facebook where is list of great endometriosis doctors and plenty of information. Or just demand at your gp that u want endometriosis especialist. Good luck
have you checked your back and pelvis? They could have either twisted your pelvis or put your back out during the operation. Worth having it checked with a good chiropractor, preferably one trained at the Bournemouth College. There is a ligament that can get inflamed due to the endometriosis that can either affect or be effected by it so worth getting it looked at. Your dr. or gynaecologist will not have a clue.