What causes your endo to flare up? - Endometriosis UK

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What causes your endo to flare up?

6 Replies

I think for me it's Gluten and recently I've discovered coffee makes the pain worse. Stress definitely seems to be a factor. But other times there's no obvious reason which makes me doubt all the other causes!

What about you? What makes it worse for you do you think? I'd love to understand how this condition affects others too.


6 Replies
courtneyhatts profile image

Hi DuskyAlien,

I'm the same as yourself gluten and coffee definitely flare me up, but there's a few other things as well like diary, spicy foods and fast foods also flare me up really bad. To be honest most foods I eat flare me up, I'm always bloated and usually always have pain but pain I can manage, it is usually fast foods that are the worse for myself. I have tried to eat more fresh and healthier foods which does work, and I have cut down coffee I will now only have 1 a day which has also helped a little. Also, you mentioned stress, if I'm stressed or run down, I do believe this is when my flare ups are the worse, very interesting to know that you experience the same.

in reply to courtneyhatts

Hey. Thank you for answering. Yes we seem to be very similar which is very interesting! I too think lately Dairy and spicy foods have joined the list of ' foods I can't eat'. This list is getting longer and longer the longer I have endo which is annoying to say the least!

Yes for me it's definitely stress. Which is probably the hardest bit because although you can control what you eat, you can't really control the stress that comes at you from everywhere but hey I'm doing my best to just chill a bit more. Easier said than done!

Wishing you a lot of healing and pain free days ahead!


EmB18 profile image

I also find gluten and caffeine to be an issue and stress makes things worse, but for me it is also sugar and alcohol. I think sometimes it can depend on where you are in your cycle so you might get away with for example gluten one week and not another. There can also be a threshold factor so for example if you are stressed and eat gluten you may get a flare but if you are relaxed and eat it you may be ok.


Thanks for replying. Another tick for gluten and coffee!

A lot of what you said makes a lot of sense. I guess it would explain why sometimes I'd eat really healthy but get flare ups and others I'd cheat and eat something here and there and get mild symptoms. It's the combinations like you said. I'll definitely keep an eye on that. Thanks for letting me know!


Cockapoo-2016 profile image


I was diagnosed with endometriosis last November 2021.

I worked with a nutritionist who specialises in endometriosis and other women health problems.

I had to cut gluten out, diary, spicy foods and coffee all of these coursed my flare ups. Stress is one of my major ones if any sign of stress I will flare up and the pain is so unbearable so I have to try control my stress levels.

Yoga is good for flare ups and endometriosis helps with pain and relaxes the muscles.

I've been told to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, omega 3 fish, eggs, avavocado I take supplements that are good for endometriosis and drink herbal tea.

Best wishes xxx.

Thanks for that .

Yes that's pretty much my diet now. I snack on nuts a lot too. Can't eat anything processed or 'junk'. Ugh... It's so hard. I could murder a cheesecake right now! LolThanks xx

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