I am bloated everyday, I am normally a size 8 but I now can not fit in a size 12 jean just because my stomach is so swollen! Does anybody know what causes this swelling? Is it water retention?
Thanks for your help xx 😉
I am bloated everyday, I am normally a size 8 but I now can not fit in a size 12 jean just because my stomach is so swollen! Does anybody know what causes this swelling? Is it water retention?
Thanks for your help xx 😉
Hi! Its the medicine and endo combined that causes the bloating! Theres nothing you can do but try and ask your consultant to change your medicine?
Ok thank you x
I have it all the time. its thoroughly depressing. its shattering my confidence.
you have my sympathy.
Loads of people suggest diets that could help but I just find that it would reduce me to not eating at all and I would still have endo belly!
Sadly I think its party water retention as our endo is inflamed and so the body swells to stop it from hurting (or trying to). I went to a drs once to get help for it and they laughed at me suggesting it was water retention because I didn't have swollen hands but its so clear that its an issue.
I know from holland and barrett you can get herbal tablets that I have only just started taking so can't say for sure if they work but worth trying?