What was your laporoscopy experience like - Endometriosis UK

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What was your laporoscopy experience like

alicewiffen profile image
25 Replies

I went to see [post edited to comply with code of conduct] who is an endo specialist yesterday. He said he was pretty certain it was endo which partly makes me extremely scared and partly makes me relieved that we are getting to the bottom of something.

I am having a private laporoscopy which is in 6 weeks because the NHS waiting list is 30 weeks!!!

I have been having even worse pain recently like there is a razor blade in both my sides and slightly higher up and each time i move it kills. Also more pain when using the toilet.

I am really nervous about the lapo...can anyone tell me their experiences with it and what it is like? I dont have a clue what to expect. I am going to paris disneyland 3 weeks after and hoping I am completely fit and okay for it! Also my job is extremely manual so hoping it will all be okay.

Thankyou so much!

Alice xxxxx

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alicewiffen profile image
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25 Replies
helen87 profile image

Hi, I had my lap + dye test + laser treatment on 11th December. My surgeon found widespread stage 2 endo.

Went in and got changed into theatre gown on the ward. Had my observations done. The surgeon came round to go through everything again, sign the consent form. Then the anaesthetist came round to go through the anaesthetic process and do his checks. Little bit of waiting around before going to anaesthetic room. Then it all just happens and before you know you’re waking up in recovery.

I got a bit panicky when I came round and a bit emotional when the surgeon popped his head in to say they found endo. Soon settled back on the ward though. Had some water and toast and then it was out of bed to do a wee (longest and slowest wee of my life lol) and get changed. My surgeon then came round again and went through everything in more detail about what he found and did. I went in around 11am and was home by about 4pm.

Must say I felt really rough going home and the first night. Found it really difficult to get into a comfortable position to sleep. Then the next few days I was very swollen, bloated and sore. Took me ages to do anything like put my socks on/get in and out of bed. I also had quite bad radiating pain into my shoulder from the gas they inflate your tummy with. I found peppermint tea helped. Also, maybe TMI, but I got a bit constipated after so had to take some laxatives to get things going and a bit more comfortable.

After a week I was feeling much better and mobile. Certainly still a little sore doing certain things but otherwise ok. At 3 weeks I felt absolutely fine. I have a desk job so was ok after a week but if I was doing something manual I think I’d have needed at least 2.

Sorry that was a bit long! Feel free to message me if you have any questions. I think everyone is different really, but I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine.

Best of luck x

alicewiffen profile image
alicewiffen in reply to helen87

Wow, thankyou so so much for such an amazing response, I am so thankful!.

I am scared about having anaesthetic...does it all happen very quickly and is it just an injection? Also did you have to stay in all day? sorry for all the questions just dont know what it is like to have anaesthetic!

Thankyou so much for letting me know recovery time that is really reassuring and I am thinking of taking 2 weeks off due to having a manual job where I am lifting heavy dogs all day and grooming them etc!

I am so so glad you are all okay now and feeling bit better. Did you find the endo pain went after them going in or do you still have that?

Thankyou so much!

Alice xxx

helen87 profile image
helen87 in reply to alicewiffen

I was more scared of the anaesthetic than the actual op! But the anaesthetist was lovely and reassured me. He gave me a sedative I believe which made me feel like I’d drunk a bottle of wine lol. Then the anaesthetic kicked in before I could even finish what we were talking about. It was an injection into a cannula in the back of the hand. I think I also had a face mask on over my mouth (hard to remember it all)

They kept me in a good few hours after. I think they just need to know that you can pee, have something to eat and drink and pain is controlled, not being sick.

I’ve had my first period since the op and I did get pain again which really upset me but I know I was still healing from the laser. It didn’t last as long as it normally does, settled much quicker (usually it would drag on for weeks) and wasn’t as bad I’d say. I’ve now gone on the mini pill to try and suppress the endo. I wasn’t keen but am fed up of pain at this point so willing to give it a go after being ‘anti-pill’ for years (funny what pain does to you..)

Oh and I’m so jealous you get to work with dogs!

Let us know how you get on xx

I was terrified of the anesthetic but it was honestly the best bit of the whole process! The cannula going in hurt but I'm a wuss with needles, I didn't feel the actual stuff going in at all, tho I'd read a lot of people saying you can feel it spread up your body and what not. I remember not feeling drowsy at all, so I asked a nurse if I was meant to be counting backwards or something and she just told me to keep my eyes open as long as possible. Last thing I was aware of was someone pulling an oxygen mask over my face and I was out.

Coming round in recovery was fine, the blood pressure cuff and the nurse calling my name woke me up but I think I'd been out/asleep a while. I felt a bit of pain and a bit sick so asked for anti sickness straight away and was on morphine too.

I was terrified but honestly, what you think about it is the worst bit, it's actually not that bad. Afterwards I was in so much pain with various bladder infections, having a cold and having to ride an hour in rush hour traffic to get back home, that I would have taken the actual surgery a thousand times over compared to the days that followed! Good luck, try and take your mind off it and it will be over before you know it! (My advice is if you can't wee properly, tell them. I had a dribble and thought that counted so was eager to go home, spend the next 24 hours in the worst pain of my life. And ask about being prescribed meds to take home as I had nothing and was just getting by on paracetamol which wasn't the best!)

Also I work with kids which is very hands on and was back a week and a half later sitting down for mornings only, it's now been 6 weeks and I'm still getting tired and in pain at full days but everyone is different, staged returns are probably the way forward! x

alicewiffen profile image
alicewiffen in reply to

Thankyou so so so much for your detailed answer I honestly appreciate it so much.

I think the biggest thing I am worried about is recovery and how it will feel afterwards. it sounds horrible.

I can't believe it all happens so quickly with the aesthetic ! I am glad to hear they are good with it!

I am so sorry you were feeling so rubbish for so long after it!! Thankyou for your advice !! x

in reply to alicewiffen

I think the hardest part is knowing that you will feel rubbish and there's no way to avoid it, that sure played on my mind a lot but it's just one of those things x

princessk09 profile image

Hi, sorry this isn’t related but you said the nhs waiting list is 30 weeks. I’m sorry if this is out of place but which area do you live in?

I’m having a bit of drama with my parents over a lap and they want me to go back into the nhs for it but apparently I’ll be waiting 13 weeks just for another consultation (fuming) So would I be waiting 30 weeks as well or not? Xx

Amelia2018 profile image
Amelia2018 in reply to princessk09

It depends where your based? Iam on a waiting list for a lap op and they said it could be up to 20 weeks for my surgery I’ve being Waiting for 5 years to be investigated it’s annoyed me xx

Samii12x profile image
Samii12x in reply to princessk09

I saw a gynaecologist at the beginning of December and I’m having my laparoscopy on the 22nd Of Jan. I’m guessing it varies to which part of the country your in but I was quite shocked when I read that it will take up to 30 weeks. I was shocked that mine was so soon and was expecting at least two months or more!

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to Samii12x

Ohh okay thank you xx

in reply to princessk09

I am in Yorkshire & Humber area and have been waiting since September, and I probably won't get it until late March, despite my endo being visible on scans and having Endometriomas! I went private for a consultation which saved me 12 weeks. Can't afford the lap private, my parents will pay but I just can't let them I like to be independent. It all depends on your CCG area and the caseload of the consultant :o(

alicewiffen profile image
alicewiffen in reply to princessk09


I have heard it is different in all areas. I am in poole and was told it will be up to 30 weeks to get seen and that's on urgent because of all the cancellations in January! It's not normal for it to be like this I don't think...i was absolutely shocked more than you could imagine.

I am in Poole if that helps at all. Where are you?

I hope yours is a lot quicker for you!


princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to alicewiffen

I’m in Manchester. Xx

alicewiffen profile image
alicewiffen in reply to princessk09

Hopefully it is quicker there for you. I am so sorry to hear you are going through so much. I know how frustrating it can be. You just want to know what it is that is causing you so much pain.

Have you thought about going private just for a consultation and then going on the waiting list for nhs? it's about £150-£200 but honestly worth every penny and massively speeds up the process!!! also go with a specialist in the field! it makes a huge difference xx

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to alicewiffen

I went for a private consultation but now apparently I have to be put on the waiting list for a consultation at a nhs hospital which is 13 weeks waiting list and then however long the lap waiting list is xx

alicewiffen profile image
alicewiffen in reply to princessk09

No way! With the place I went to the private specialist puts you straight onto the nhs list after sending your doctor a letter confirming.

I can't believe that you have to go back to another consultant. I am so sorry :(


princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to alicewiffen

Yeah because my private gynae doesn’t work at the nhs anymore so he’s sent my doctor a letter and then I’ll have another consultation but a lap xx

gld87 profile image
gld87 in reply to alicewiffen

Hello! A little off topic, but I noticed you're under Poole Hospital for your treatment. I'm actually thinking of setting up an Endo support group for those in the Bournemouth/Poole/Dorset area - I'd love to know if you'd find this kind of thing useful :)

in reply to princessk09

Mine was 4 weeks on NHS, was meant to be 8 days but I had to turn down due to work. All depends where you are. This was Birmingham so not too far x

princessk09 From signing my consent form was to my lap was only 9 weeks and it was nhs.

You can always ask the secretary and ask to be put on a cancellation appointment list to get an appointment quicker.

When I was referred for my lap I kept phoning to see where I was on the list- I only did this a few times and was offered a cancellation date- I got my lap much quicker than I thought I was- I was initially told late July but had my lap beginning of June.! I had plenty of notice to book time off work. X

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to

Thank you, I’m not exactly looking forward to the lap but need to find some answers x

in reply to princessk09

I can understand that- you want a diagnosis of what it is.

All the best with it all xoxo

LouLouT profile image

I've got my first lap on the 19th January 😬

I had an appendectomy 3 years ago that was key hole surgery and they were amazing. I'm not scared of needles but I had never had anaesthetic before and was absolutely petrified. The nurse held my hand and stroked my hair until I fell asleep - they really look after you just let them know you're nervous. They usually get you to count backwards from 10 I think I got to 6 then the next thing I know I'm waking up in recovery.

I'm in the South East and the wait is around 22 weeks on the NHS. I've got private health cover through my job and only had to wait 4 weeks but they offered me a slot the following week! I wish I could have taken it but I had too much on at work.

alicewiffen profile image
alicewiffen in reply to LouLouT

Oh wow it's great to hear they are so caring !

I have heard people say they count back and then they can't finish...that is crazy and can't imagine what that feels like!

I am exactly the same with work. He said he could give me a cancellation but the problem is that I am self employed and can't just stop work...i know health comes first but it's so difficult isn't it!!!

Hope you are feeling better and recovered quickly !! x

tinkerbell971 profile image

Make sure you get answers out of your consultant when he comes to see you when you wake up. If someone’s there with you get them to write down everything that he says because you’ll be sleepy and probably won’t remember everything they have told you. When I woke up in recovery the first thing I did was check where my wounds were and after seeing 3 dressings I knew they had found it, however when the consultant came around to see me he didn’t tell me much apart from he found it.

Make sure you ask what stage endo it is aswell because still to this day I don’t know mine x

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