hi. I had my first prostap injection 10 days ago. I’ve been in agony. Even worse than my normal endo pain and now severely heavy bleeding. Is this normal?? Feel so unwell
Prostap injections side effects - Endometriosis UK
Prostap injections side effects

Sorry you are in so much pain. I have also quite recently started gnrh agonist injections, it's zoladex but is comparable to prostap.
I was told that for the first 2-4 weeks after injection there will be an oestrogen surge and this will make endometresiosis/ pain much worse. Thus I had expected the worst endo flare up. I was personally OK until about 14 days in then had stabbing pelvic pain, some bleeding and cramps ( for about a week on and off). It settled with naproxen combined with Solpadol (only needed a few odd days). Thankfully they were fleeting and I was still able to have a relatively normal Xmas.
I am about a month in now, I've had quite bad joint pain intermittently ( some days last week I felt like an 80 year old stiff and stabbing joint pain) and the odd few headaches. I saw the specialist last Thursday he said all likely side effects of induced menopause but says to wait until about 2 months which is when I can see if the injections have worked ( he says 9 out of 10 women find it sucessful so worth sticking it out for now).
I've not had any hot flushes, no bouts of severe endometresiosis pain ( that I had prior to starting which ended up in hospitalisation on occasion). But I am also on add back hrt - tibilone since day 1.
I found when pain flared up in my case very intense pelvic stabbing pain it was better to take an nsaid at the first onset and for a few days after ongoing then to wait. The solpadol ( codeine and paracetemol) I used sparingly as I suffer badly with constipation due to rectovaginal endo. Hot water bottles at night.
Hopefully you get some releif hun. I told myself it's like riding out a storm. Thunderstorms won't last forever and hopefully in a couple of months we will both be much better off for it. If it gets really bad or pain releif isn't working maybe try and speak to a doctor.
❤ Sabrina x
thank you. My pain has eased off slightly but now I’ve got severe migraines. Almost unbearable. Like you said, just need too ride it out. Hopefully will all be ok soon. X
i have been having prostap i injections for over six months
when I first started them the pain was horrendous, then it got much better it eases off just persevere. I think it is meant to get worse before it gets better.
I was on Gonapeptyl, which is basically the same lol. I had 5 injections, pain was CRAZY that first 2 months. I vomitted like mad too! But after that it massively calmed down. My issue was the impact on my mental health, and concentration issues/dizzy spells. It was limiting my ability to study at university, which was the last straw. I've been off them since November and I'm still waiting for my cycle to return to normal, pain is increasing. It's been hard I won't lie! But the risks long term worried me, and for me personally it was just too many negatives for the small positive of REDUCED pain (it wasn't a 100% cure).