I noticed a horrible, recurring shoulder/chest pain a couple of years ago which I initially put down to a possible injury. I realised something was wrong when it started getting worse, affecting my breathing and making me not want to talk when the pain was at it's worst. I called the GP who put me on the mini pill and the pain resolved a little. I was referred to gynaecology as they thought it was diaphragmatic endometriosis.
I had my laparoscopy in January and they found "extensive" endometriosis on the pelvic sidewalls and uterosacral areas, with adhesions to my bowel-uterus. I also have adenomyosis. I had a mirena coil fitted whilst I was under the GA.
However, much to my surprise I was told there was no diaphragmatic endometriosis from what the surgeon could see. She did add that she could only slightly move my liver to check the diaphragm for lesions. I was happy she had helped me but had a niggling and lingering concern that she missed it - why else would I be getting a cyclic shoulder pain that responded to contraceptives? From the pelvic lesions? Anyway I put my trust in her and went home to monitor my healing.
Since then, I had continuous bleeding for 3 months, then occasional light periods, and then I have had no periods for the last 3-4 months possibly due to the coil. I’ve had a bloated belly since the surgery which I never had before. Mild pain in the shoulder returned on a few occasions which correlated to some of the bleeding and stomach cramps and accelerated my concerns that some had been missed. I continue to get rare occasions of subtle right shoulder, chest, jaw and neck pains now and then without any bleeding.
Last week on holiday I felt I was overheating a bit in the sun, and I had a sudden onset of searing right shoulder and chest pain radiating down my right arm and into my right side of my neck which left me unable to talk. I had no bleeding. It subsided very suddenly after 20 minutes, I started to get stomach burning and ended up with a 3-day episode of gastritis (which I've had 3 times in the past year – awful gnawing pain in the stomach with nausea, vomiting, and distension). I'm not sure what is linked to what, but it is all awfully confusing, now, and I'm not sure which way to turn for help!
Any support/advice/tips on what to do would be much appreciated.