Hi girls I had excision of recto vaginal endometriosis ( which is the most severe) nearly 4 weeks ago now. This also involved a bowel rescetion as I had endometriosis adhesions everywhere. I'm getting abit worried as I'm nearly 4 weeks on and I'm still getting pains when I walk in my pelvis and pains going down my legs. How I usually would when I had endo flares. It's mainly pain in lower abdomen and lower back pressure.
Before the surgery I was put on prostap to reduce size of the nodule I had ( which puts you into the menopause ) this was a 3 month injection which has now worn off but I'm still getting severe hot flushes.
The surgeon also inserted a mirena coil during the surgery but I'm getting bleeding still and like this horrible water bloody discharge.
Just wanted to see if any of you had the same feeling 4 weeks on. Literally went to the shops to do a food shop which I would usually be able to do but I'm walking along now at a snails pace because I'm in pain in my pelvis and legs. Should I be pain free by now? Or is this normal?
I've tried calling my nurse but she never answers and I haven't got a follow up for another 3 months .
Feeling now that this surgery hasn't worked and it was a waste of time 😭