I had my laparoscopy done in November by a gynaecology oncologist after a pretty cancery looking MRI. Before my operation I asked my surgeon, in the event they found endometriosis would they remove it. She categorically said no. After my operation she called with my biopsy results, no cancer “just endometriosis and scar tissue on both sides of the peritoneum”. I’m pretty sure during the call I asked her if she removed it and she said no, but it’s a blur. I could be wrong. She discharged me then and there with no treatment. She wasn’t very nice to me the whole time even when she thought I had terminal cancer.
I ordered my surgical notes and on one bit it says “left and right peritoneum excised and removed for biopsy”
I’ve tried ringing up to ask for weeks but nobody answers calls or calls back. GP can’t get through either.
I’m still feeling really unwell with what I assume are endometriosis symptoms but what if they removed it all and I’m just ill for no tangible reason. Really feeling frightened I’ll never be better if that’s true.
Could it just mean they excised bits for biopsy and left the rest as is or does it mean they removed it all and I’m going to have a rubbish life?
Thanks xx
P.s. at the top of the notes it says
Principal Operation - laparoscopy, peritoneal biopsies, peritoneal washings
Other Operation - peritoneal washings
(So no mention of removal of endo and the operation took 1hour)
Also all Letters after surgery have referred to the procedure as just laparoscopy with biopsies or laparoscopy with biopsy’s and washing.
There is a single mention in one letter of stripping both sides but in that same letter she gets where the endo was wrong. I also don’t know what stripping both sides means.