I have endo , pcos and adenmyosis. Currently I take metformin for the pcos and heat packs and pain killers when the pain is bad . My last period lasted 5 weeks and was heavy as I stopped the metformin due to side effects and have since restarted it . Had to take medication to stop my period .
I’ve tried the mini pill but it really affected my mood and made me anxious .
I suffer from severe back pain and pelvic pain . This can impact on my mobility and I can’t walk far when it’s bad , does anyone else have this ? How do u manage ? What helps . I’ve had physio which helped some but it’s still an issue . I’m not even sure if it’s related to endo or another issue .
I’ve been referred to a bsge clinic for a consultation . I’m going to ask about surgery . Has any one had this ? Did it help ?
Feel I’m at my wits end . Just want to be more able to do things .
Sorry for the long post .