The most pain what bugs me with endo is the bending I started using microscopic progesterone gel as it is strongly advised in the period repair manual though it Dosent refer to a specific dosage i trialled it and think I started of taking to much so I’ve now reduced the amount the progesterone significantly reduced my pain but I’ve not had any for a month now reason being you must take it after you have ovulated so I don’t know the best time to take it it’s all guess work so I’m thinking once my fertile period is over I will have a pump every other day. I have noticed a difference as I’m not in pain anymore until today that is !I can feel a small growth and I hate it when you suddenly can’t bend down unfortunately for me no pain meds do anything for this kind of pain !does anyone get this I’m trying to stand more and do less bending but obviously it’s hard when we actually need to bend from time to time .last month I was hoovering , cleaning etc I don’t want to go back to not being able to do it.the progesterone did give me a few side effects so I think I’ve used a bit much hair loss and teeth issues but I think it outweighs the endo pain any day but as I’m ttc I don’t want progesterone to stop me ovulating which it can do you have to take it at certain times and dosages anyway I hope my update has given people more of a view on managing endo naturally and an insight into progesterone gel as I know a lot of people prefer contraception which don’t always seem to work either for some people progesterone gel is more natural on yourself body and combines with your natural hormones compared to contraception as my body absolutely hates contraception this was a better approach for me and I think it would help people who don’t want to conceive as you could take it without worrying about wether you ovulate or not but that is something you may have to research as I don’t know if there would be any implications of this as it’s not my case but certainly it’s something for people to look into if they don’t want contraception if you have any more questions please do comment x
Pain when bending how to relieve it and u... - Endometriosis UK
Pain when bending how to relieve it and update on pain management.naturally!

Many thanks, I’ll look into it. Haven’t been able to do much for months.
Oh I’m
So sorry I hope you find a solution x
Hysterectomy sounds good 😂. Unfortunately at the moment don’t know if it’s in the bowel or possibly anywhere else. I’m considering paying for an MRI, my patience is running out
I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything re referral?
Oh I’m so sorry,I never got an mri either I’m just taking it as it comes now I’ve made peace with even if I do have an mri I won’t have a lap any I haven’t heard anything about my referral I have no idea what’s happening I was just told I’ve not been forgotten and as soon as things are ‘normal’ I will be first to be referred it’s a little frustrating but beyond my control I just have to accept it x
I’d recommend an MRI to check before lap, hindsight is amazing 😂
At least you’ve had confirmation that they’ve recognised it and haven’t forgotten, it’s a sort of positive.
It seems the NHS are making plans to reintroduce a normal service, keep fingers crossed
Yes that’s true! I requested an mri and wasn’t offered was told I don’t need it and it’s too specialist I saw privately was supposed to do a scan but it never happened I don’t know how I ended up leaving and forgetting it must have been nerves but it’s too late now I’d have to make another appointment which would be costly x
Yes, not cheap, I’ve been quoted £600 for three areas. GP was going to contact consultant for his views on them suggesting a colonoscopy. She said she’d contact him when I said he thought it was still the endo. If he still wants to wait until after the Zoladex, I may just go ahead anyway.
It goes to show that until someone opens you up and takes a look you don’t always know. An MRI would confirm if deep or not. Any other potential op would be NHS unless I win the lottery 🤣
Hi. I believe you take progesterone from day 14 to 25, or if you prefer, you take it from day 14 and you stop it 2 days before your periods are due, which will make your periods start.