Endometriosis, adhesions and struggling t... - Endometriosis UK

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Endometriosis, adhesions and struggling to work.

Las20 profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone, I’ve been off work sick for the last week with constant abdominal and lower back pain made worse when sitting. I suffer with my bowels and long periods and have spent the past two years trying different ways of resolving my issues. My job involves me spending hours on the phone so no alternative way of working and I’m struggling even with painkillers. I saw my gyne yesterday and he has said I need a full hysterectomy including both ovaries, tubes and uterus. This won’t be until January and I don’t know how I’ll cope with work until then.

I’m also on antidepressants and I know it won’t be going down well at work that I’m off but everything is stressing me out. They monitor your calls and you have to answer so many per hour and handle each within a specified timeframe, so getting up and moving around isn’t possible. I do get sick pay but I don’t know where I stand legally with this, can they get rid of me? I need the money so can’t afford to quit.

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Las20 profile image
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12 Replies
LeahEndoUK profile image

Hi Las20,

I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through.

I have done some research and I found some information on the Parliamentary site about endometriosis in the work place. Unfortunately its not entirely clear where you may stand, but I hope the information helps. I have also linked the Endometriosis UKs 'Endometriosis Friendly Employer Scheme', which you may also find helpful



All the best,



Las20 profile image
Las20 in reply to LeahEndoUK

Thank you for this I will have a read. Xx

EndoSuckss profile image

Hi! Have you spoken with your HR dept about getting an occupational health assessment in case there are any reasonable adjustments that can be made? For example, adjusted hours/days etc, you mention you can't sit comfortably for long, they can take this in to consideration and maybe source a standing/rising desk etc..

Las20 profile image
Las20 in reply to EndoSuckss

Hi Endosuckss, thanks for your response. I’ve just spoken to my manager who has advised me to get a note from my Gp for now. She was very supportive thankfully but we will need to work out a way for me to work at some point as I can’t be off work until the operation.

Livingdeadgirl profile image
Livingdeadgirl in reply to Las20

I second this.. I had an occupational assessment for my Chronic Fatigue and they got me more working from home days (back before the pandemic!). Worth contacting them or getting HR to contact Access to Work

Pinkmice profile image

Hi Sweetheart

You can not be let go, you are allowed so many sick days per year.

They may ask to get your medic records - try to be stressed (which you

are worried from your post).

I had to resign a post- as took too much- but had a major accident- but

with everything else happening spend a lot of time crying. Job

and even close workers fine but two members made life differcult.

Had to decide which was the better option for my self. So be aware

you are able to do your job at present. So use hope/trust that your

pain levels will reduce - as things are getting to you at present.

If you can try to relax - lunch time with a little walk outside work place.

Good luck' keep safe

Big hug

Las20 profile image
Las20 in reply to Pinkmice

Hi Pinkmice, thank you for responding. You are quite right we do get so many sick days per year, but I’m a bit concerned as I’ll need several weeks after the op. I have just spoken to my Manager who was very supportive and suggested I get a note from my Gp for now, and then hopefully when/if this episode passes we can work out with the occupational health team a better way for me to work.


Purple_Badgers profile image

Ouch - I really feel for you in loads of ways! I had to make the decision to give up my job, but I was only able to do this because we can just about get by on hubby’s wage for a while (with me on benefits and us borrowing here and there from the bank of mum n dad…). If I had not been able to quit, I dread to think what the state of my mental health would be, struggling through work in pain & on the loo all the time, feeling super stressed, tired and guilty. You’re doing amazingly well to cope in a high-pressure job and I hope that they will support you to stay in post - I’m fairly sure that technology exists that could help you… wireless headphones, adjustable sit/stand desks… Also I wonder if you could reduce your hours/increase your breaks at all? If work could be flexible while you’re waiting for investigation/treatment hopefully you could be feeling a lot better in near future and back to full/near full health. Fingers crossed for you xxx

Las20 profile image
Las20 in reply to Purple_Badgers

Hi Purple_Badgers

Thanks for your response. I’ve just spoken to my Manager who was very supportive and suggested I get a letter from my Gp for now and then when I feel up to it we can talk about more comfortable ways of working. I now just need to consider what would be a better way of working for me.


Purple_Badgers profile image

Brilliant! I see it as any other disability or illness- if we want to work, there are often adjustments that can be fairly easily made by the employer to keep you in work and productive. It makes sense for them to support you during a very difficult time (I think this also buys them future loyalty from employees and generally creates a more healthy & happy working environment. Win-win!) So glad your manager is listening to you & hope it works out. Stay strong!

BrightLights88 profile image

Have you tried a tens machine, and also cocodamol? I suffered from this too. but these are my two go to survival things.

Las20 profile image
Las20 in reply to BrightLights88

Cocodamol yes, but not the tens machine. My hysterectomy is scheduled for February so I’ll look into getting a tens machine in the meantime. I’ve just been diagnosed with liver disease as well and also suffered badly with covid I got in December, so haven’t been back to work yet. They’ve been great thankfully.

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