Hi girls, I have not been diagnosed yet as I am waiting to be diagnosed but have been told I have suspected Endo and for the past three weeks the pain has been almost unbearable bringing me to tears, it’s been a constant ache in my stomach all the way round to my back and tops of my thighs, every few hours I’ll get the worse kinds of stabbing and twisting pains, I’ve tried your standard over the counter painkillers and also hot water bottles, I’m new to all this and still learning about the condition if anyone has any suggestions please let me know, thank you 🙏❤️
Best pain relief: Hi girls, I have not been... - Endometriosis UK
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Hi Alisha! I find a combination of things work for me - usually hot water bottle or BeYou patch on my stomach, tens machine on my back and naproxen with paracetemol to handle all the other pains! Alternated with a soak in the bath if I really need it!
It's so frustrating when the pain is in so many places and hard to target! In terms of stomach pain, I'd also recommend having a think about what you eat. I rolled my eyes at everyone who told me this for a while because it obviously doesn't stop endo pain but I got a bit desperate a couple weeks ago for anything to help and I genuinely find cutting back on gluten, caffeine and dairy has helped fair bit. I think it just means I reduce any underlying stomach bloat which puts less pressure on everything else that hurts. I think it's such a trial and error thing and so annoying that there arent more options but I hope you find something that works for you! Xx
Hi Alisha, I'm going to echo Meg and say that a combination is what works best for me. I use quite high strength prescription painkillers but they barely touch the pain if I'm honest, but anything is better than nothing at all. Please speak to your GP if over the counter is failing you, you don't have to suffer through the pain.
I use a hot water bottle on my tummy, I have a long one too which is amazing for running down your whole back! I have a heated pad which is constantly plugged in, the relief is fab on my lower back pain, its still there but I can manage it better and don't bust into tears. Also, have you tried a TENS machine? Again not a cure, but it takes your mind away. BeYou patches sadly didn't help me, but others have said they do. I also use CBD oil and have changed my diet to try limit bloat. If the natural things are not cutting it babe then definitely speak to your GP, please don't just suffer xxx
Hi Alisha. Sorry to hear you're in so much pain. I would echo getting a tens machine. It won't take all the pain away, but I find it can make it more manageable. Definitely think about what you eat. It's worth keeping a diary for a while just to see if there are any particular foods that make it worse. Amongst other things, I have found that I can't drink too much green tea without being in agony. Are you going to get any blood tests done? It is worth checking your calcium and magnesium levels as deficiency in these can have an impact. And have you asked your GP about pain medications? There are things like Mefenamic Acid you could try. One note on anti inflammatory pain meds that is worth mentioning, is that the timing of taking medications is really important. I spent years in agony before I realised I was using my pain meds all wrong. I often used to take my pain meds when the pain started getting really bad, but discovered that you need to take them before the pain gets bad for them to work. You could ask to be referred to a pain clinic as well. Hope you get the help you need and soon!! xx
Exactly what Washington1 said regarding pain meds and timing I was doing the same thing. I always try to tough it out so by the time I would take the pain meds it would be too late. The pain signals were already going full blast in my body and by then the medication couldn’t take hold. I learned to take the meds right before my period starts as that is when my pain starts. Then no matter what just keep taking them for the next 4 days regularly. Plus everything else I use. I rotate between hot water bottle heating pad and tens unit. I get horrible upper leg pain and the tens and heat rotation helps dramatically. I spent way too many years in pain but now I have a better idea what works. All trial and error. I get brain fog and misplace things a lot so to simplify my life I have a designated plastic storage bin for all my endo pain paraphernalia. Then I don’t have to search for things in a pain crisis
I'm sorry to hear you're in so much pain. I'm quite new to this as I'm also waiting for my official diagnosis (the waitlist for a lap is so long now due to covid) and I've been trying my best to avoid pain meds but gave in and spoke to my GP and he ended up, after me practically begging, prescribing me with really strong co-codamol (I can't take naproxen). The stuff you buy over the counter is only 8mg of codeine but the ones I was prescribed have 30mg of codeine and they're the only thing that's ever come close to actually taking the pain away. They tend to make you sleepy though and because they're opiods can be addictive so be careful, also can make you constipated which you don't need with endo! I hope you find something that works for you!
As others have said I think you do often need a package of different things to try for the pain. I found that diet was one of the things that made a difference for me. Different things work for different people, but for me cutting out gluten, sugar, caffeine and red meat and eating lots of anti-inflammatory foods made a difference. I can send you a link that might help. I know some people find acupuncture really good for pain relief too. Hoping you find things that work for you.