I got diagnosed with endometriosis in December 2018. During my lap I had the mirenia coil fitted. This was great until exactly a year later when the pain returned, but only this time worse. After numerous trips to urgent care at hospital I was then admitted in December as the pain was that bad I couldn't move my legs or walk. I then got discharged and the saw the gynaecologist in Feb 2020. I was supposed to have a follow up appointment in July but that got cancelled due to covid and I have to wait till February 2021 to see him again. my appointment with the pain clinic in November has also been cancelled. they won't operate on me due to only being 21. I was just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for contraception/pain relief as everything I've tried doesn't seem to help.
~Pain relief for endometriosis - Endometriosis UK
~Pain relief for endometriosis

Hi sending my love! This might not be helpful as I’m still waiting for a diagnosis but some things I find help my pain are heat mats, hot water bottles, a pillow under my legs when laying down, a body pillow and sort of lay on your side and prop your leg over it or a boiling hot bath! Medication wise I’m struggling with my doctor at the moment but I have only been taking cocodomols and they take the edge off! Hope this helps!xx
Hi thanks for the reply. I’ve tried the hot water bottle and hot bath options and I find that they do nothing for me. I’ve started using a tens machine and that makes the pain go away for about 10 mins and then it comes back Worse. I’ll try the pillow thing though thank you! Xx
Yeah I agree! The bath helps for two seconds when I’m in there and then that’s that and I have to use my heat mat instead of the hot water bottle as I struggle with pressure pain and that just adds to the pressure! Yeah I forgot I have a tens machine too and that only just about takes the slight edge off doesn’t it! I try literally anything for a little bit of help haha i find if it’s used too frequently too your body goes a bit numb my tummy has I can’t feel it but that could be heat mat burns too! I find the pillow thing just helps me get a bit more comfortable to be able to try and get some sleep. Sorry to not be much help hope you find something that helps you soon! Xx
I think my tens machine is great if I’m at work as I can just pop it on but I’ve got to do it for like 20/25 mins for it to help and then the pain comes back 10 mins later. I know there’s no cure and it’s something I have to live with for the rest of my life but I’m 21 and in pain constantly and it’s proper effected my quality of life. I almost never go out anymore and if I do I’m in pain so I can’t enjoy myself. Thank you for your help I’m defo going to try the pillow thing for when I’m laid down xx
Yeah same that’s when I use it if I can’t lay down and have my heat mat! I know how you feel I’m 21 too and I literally feel like a granny can’t go anywhere without my backpack of pain stuff and yeah when you are out you’re not enjoying it anyway! Feel free to message me if every you need it 💕xx