I'm new here and feeling so, so defeated :( - Endometriosis UK

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I'm new here and feeling so, so defeated :(

PookyP profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone, I hope everyone's having a decent day!

I'm sorry this might be a bit long..... I have been passed from pillar to post again and again by various gyneas, doctors, nurses and I'm getting so much different information and fobbings off I don't know what to do.

I'll try and summarise:

Started periods at 10, started with bad pain and flooding at 12-ish

Drs fobbed me off until 14, when they tried the pill (I can't remember which one, I have had microgynon and cerazette) - as I can remember, this did help but then sent my BP sky-high so I had to come off it.

Had severe pain and flooding issues throughout high school, then implant fitted at 23.

I flooded constantly through 6y of implant cycles, with large clot losses with the pain reduced somewhat.

Implant was removed at 29 years old as I was due to get married and couldn't stand it any longer.

I was seen by gastroenterologists between 2017-2019 for severe nausea, weight loss and diarrhoea/constipation and had all the tests going (scans, 'oscopies, bloods, biopsies, xrays, faecal tests, all normal) and it was put down to stress / exacerbation of Coeliac disease (despite me being strictly gluten free for 10 years now)

I have also been thoroughly assessed for right shoulder pain - now put down to "damage from old riding accident" with no treatment given, except physio which I had to stop as it made it so much worse.

From June 2019 to March 2020, I was on no birth control or treatment and I was, to be frank, a mess. I bled constantly, the pain was unreal every month when my period *should* have been due, the nausea/weight loss/diarrhoea/shoulder pain was flaring on and off.

In March 2020, I went in and out of hospital 3 times with horrendous abdo pain, dizziness, losing large clots - I was diagnosed with a cyst and signed off work for 4 weeks (I have a physical job) and was in bed for 3 of those, on Morphine.

I then had an urgent referral to gynae in July after a hospital admission, who did a TV scan, external scan and MRI - I was told that there was a very significant indication of adenomyosis and late-stage endo with cysts and started on Prostap to help while I waited for a lap. It really did help, stopped my periods, helped the diarrhoea and sickness reduce and gave me more energy.

I made the decision to go private as I was struggling so much - I chose a general gynae surgeon who had an interest in endo cysts and menstrual disorders as he could see me in the October (I'll call him A).

I had the lap in November and the coil fitted and was told I was perfectly healthy, no issues at all seen.

From then on I constantly bled, the pain was very much the same but with additional areas/types, the nausea was debilitating so I booked in to see a BSGE specialist (I'll call him B) in Jan 2021 and he told me that I DID have adenomyosis and put me back on prostap as - in his words - he had no worries putting me on it long-term if it helps, alongside an oestrogen replacement and regular bone checks. I trusted this doctor, he came highly recommended by more than 1 of my friends.

I went back for my post-op check with (A) and he stated that he didn't agree with the diagnosis and that the treatment was highly dangerous, should never have been started and it was for a maximum of 6m. (A) then proceeded to check my coil (which had curled up and required a lot of 'poking' to retrieve, tell me that a lot of my pain is probably in my head and that I maybe need to find a better way to cope and signed me off. I also found out at this appt that the surgeon hadn't seen my scans or blood results before he operated on me, despite them being there for him.

I then spoke to my GP a few weeks later to try and figure out what to do next as I was no better at all and the GP told me - quote - "you just need to figure out a way of accepting it and moving forwards much like when people lose a child or get a cancer diagnosis" and told me again, I probably needed antidepressants (if she'd read my history she'd see I only got my AD prescription a week previous, have been on them since 16!) and counselling...she also said that Prostap should never have been prescribed at all (it's the GPs doing it for me...)

At that point, I gave up, I felt so defeated, I cried for hours and vowed that I was done with it, so I struggled on.

Fast forwards to last week, I started with 'contraction-like' pains, which put me on my knees, made me dizzy and sick and I ended up ringing 111 as I couldn't find my coil strings and they were concerned it had dislodged and as I refused an ambulance, asked me to book an emergency GP appt. Long story short after another argument with my GP who didn't see it as an emergency, I ended up being sent to hospital, where they couldn't find the coil either but an AWFUL lot of discharge. The gynae at hospital said I should never have been discharged in the amount of discomfort I'm still in and that the only difference she could see was that the coil had been fitted - so let's take it out. Great, I thought, then she couldn't get it no matter what she tried.

Went back on Weds for ultrasound to find it - it's there, in the right place, they don't know why they can't see it on exam, but this was ANOTHER gynae who does not want to remove it and wants me to wait until September when I have another gynae referral (with ANOTHER dr). She has said that I can have Prostap for 12 months.

Currently, I'm still nauseous (on Ondansetron), still having the odd contraction-type pain and have a constant, chronic low-to-moderate level of pain across my abdomen, more so to the left, radiating down my leg and causing numbness, right shoulder pain, fatigue, confusion, vaginal discharge, diarrhoea/constipation, deep pain during sex (and I'm pretty much abstaining due to pain), bleeding 4 days out of 7, pressure in my lower abdomen and struggle to bend over/crouch down and yet they're telling me I'm ok and it's in my head.

To summarise : I've been told 3 different things about the treatment I've been put on, I'm making very little improvement (the only improvement being the bleeding). I don't believe that the surgeon checked my stomach, bowel or bladder as they were never mentioned and aren't on the pictures.

Do I go back to (B) now with the potential that he'll ask me to wait until I can have another lap?

Do I email his secretary first to see if I can get some advice on when to go back?

I'm being told by my GP that it's not a physical issue and I need to learn to deal with it. (B) is the only doctor I've seen with it all that I have some trust in what he's said to me.

Is my story familiar? If I'm perfectly healthy, why are they doing all this? How can it be in my head? I feel like I'm on a knife edge all the time, I'm so defeated, so down about it all. I can't remember the last time I had a day with NO pain, NO nausea. I'm 31, I haven't ridden my horse properly in 12 months as the pain that comes is too much, I can't walk for more than 25 minutes without numbness and aching (and I was a BIG walker) I haven't been on my pole for years as it's too much and I can't get off the floor without using a table or something to haul myself up!

I don't know what I'm expecting, I think I just want some reassurance that I'm not going mad :(

Pooky x

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PookyP profile image
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9 Replies
PookyP profile image

I meant to add, I do believe I may also have endometriosis hence my post in this forum - I would happily accept radical surgery if it meant I got my life back (no plans for kids) but I wouldn't want to if I did have some endo that the original surgeon missed and I don't trust that it's been a thorough surgery if that makes sense....I know a hysterectomy wouldn't help endo and would be pointless!

Pooky x

Pooky, Oh my gosh, what a story. Sending you a virtual hug. You aren't crazy, and the pain is not in your mind.

All I can suggest is asking a GP for a referral to a gynaecologist at a BSGE accredited endometriosis centre.

Endometriosis is a specialty, and it takes a skilled, experienced doctor to recognise it and treat it. And where complicated, it takes a team (e.g. Gynae & gastro).

From people's stories, a common theme is doctors saying ignorant things about endo instead of saying they don't know and referring to a specialist.

As for me, I find the endo tiring, so very tiring. So, I sympathise with you.

So, please keep on advocating for yourself. 🌿🌼🌿

Tuyet93 profile image

I am the same I want a diagnosis too.I think I have endometriosis as I'm always in pain, I get back pain when I am about to start my periods and then while I'm on my periods and most of the time the is pain so unbearable I just end up bed bound but for me I have my periods twice a month and its heavy and I do pass large clots.

Luckily I got admitted into my local A&E recently to the pain and the doctor gave me two type of pain relief to try and ease the pain.

Also lucky for me the doctor that dealt with me at the hospital is talking to my GP to get me referred to a gynaecologist.

Speak to your doctor if you can get referred to an endometriosis specialist, that would give you a better chance of getting a diagnosis soon.

I hope you get a diagnosis soon.

Moon_maiden profile image

HiFirstly your horse looks lovely 😊, I haven’t ridden in probably 20 years but used to race Arabs.

Everything you’ve put here you need to go through/ send to your GP. They haven’t looked at your history enough and it’s not in your head. The only person who has said that in the medical world is the pain nurse.

If you can go private see an experienced gynae, look at their history and what they’ve done and reviews if you can find them. I went private end of 19, I didn’t go with a view of endo, but had that as a diagnosis. Tests are in the main worthless for endo, but if nothing has shown, then endo could be a logical conclusion. Various tests I’ve had never showed endo, and as consultant said it needs a lap to confirm.

I’d be concerned that B said you can use Prostrap long term, it’s only licensed for endo max six months. Neither gynae I’ve seen would have prescribed it longer.

Sorayaq profile image
Sorayaq in reply to Moon_maiden

Doctors today let you on GMRH for years if there’s no other way. (4y - stopped 1y - 3 months) They are hands and feet tied because of the unstoppable bleeding, which is sad to understand...

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Sorayaq

I know they do, but they are potentially putting their license at risk, especially if they haven’t asked you to go through and sign a disclaimer. It’s licensed for longer for cancer but not endo, it can be detrimental for the bones. They have no idea of long term results. If it’s helping that’s great but they should make you fully aware of the risks.I’m sure the licensing will be reviewed, but it’s their go to.

I wanted to try the drug that’s under testing at Edinburgh uni, but he wouldn’t because of licensing.

Sorry rabbiting on.

Sorayaq profile image

Hi Pooky,

It is absolutely normal to feel this way.

Every day of struggle has it’s one weight in the mental health.

I would suggest you to get referred to an endometriosis centre. Endometriosis is so little known by many professionals that it goes Unnoticed.

Bare in mind that it’s not your fault, and you are indeed suffering. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise. It would be good for you to talk more with women feeling like you and going through it. It will help you empower yourself along the journey.

Don’t lose faith, and please, ask for an Endo-centre help.

Soraya xx

Peenie123 profile image

So sorry to hear your story- I am in a frustrating situation with post op pain after hysterectomy but not at the same level you are. Right shoulder pain can be caused by Endo but do you have problems after eating especially fatty or rich foods? That could be a gall bladder issue which can ID on an ultrasound or CT scan. As someone suggest above take everything to maybe a different GP who may push for the correct referral for you xxx

klc48a profile image

Hi Pooky so sorry you are in pain with all this awful illness that us females suffer with. I have been on this roller coaster since 1984 some years better than others. Doctors out there have no idea how we are suffering and guess what women's healthcare is given less funding than men's 😭 Anyway get rid of any one who wants to treat you with Prostap join Lupron Warriors on Facebook to find out why. There are ways to get through as natural as possible do your research I know tiring but do as much as you can. Remember if you don't feel comfortable with any treatment don't continue it's your body. You have to learn to accept this is for life and only you can look after you really. Please join Lupron Warriors x

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