AMH Tests: Hi All, Just a question... - Endometriosis UK

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AMH Tests

megbm02 profile image
2 Replies

Hi All,

Just a question regarding AMH testing - has anyone had this done in the UK with their GP or have you had this done elsewhere? I'm considering getting a test done but i've never had one before and wonder a) how accurate these results will be b) is it worth doing?

I have Endometriosis, was diagnosed back in 2019. I then had the Mirena coil fitted after surgery, still in a lot of pain most days and my hormones are allover the place. My partner and I are wanting to start trying to get pregnant at the end of this year so just wondering overall if this AMH test is worth doing....

Thanks everyone :)

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luthien profile image

Hey I've had my AMH done via our fertility specialist: she gave me a pack (containing the information, what it's for and how to post it). She instructed me that it can only be done privately and this one gets sent and processed by The Doctors Laboratory. Basically I took the pack to my GP (booked in for a blood test) the nurse took the sample in the tube provided, gave it back to me and I used the prepaid envelope to send it to The Doctors Laboratory, they then got in touch with my fertility specialist to mention the results. I then have an invoice from them to pay the £47 directly.

Quickly looking online you can do one yourself through Medichecks

It's all online, I've used that and Thriva before for other things) you pay online, they send the test and all instructions to you including lancets, sample vial, labels, box, return bag. It's done by finger prick to fill the little (teeny) vial and post back via any postbox (as long as it's before the last collection of the day, I used the priority postboxes). results are online on your own portal in about 3 days from sending it off. There's ranges and explanations.

The test itself for AMH is fine, if you're asking if it's reliable. It is to a degree for measuring your egg reserves but it won't tell you numerically how many eggs you have. It's based on each egg releasing that hormone and that's what it tests for. It doesn't depend on the day of your cycle but can depend on endometriosis symptoms for example it can show as low if you're recovering from endo surgery, if you have a cyst on your ovary (or recently had one) if you have an endo flare up. It doesn't tell you the quality of your eggs. It's worth noting if you still have regular cycles then you'll still release an egg every month so natural conception is still fine. It'll simply tell you approximately how your levels are according to your age group (so the norm).

I personally wouldn't worry about it at the moment. We only went to see a fertility specialist as we've been TTC for over a year (probably 2 or close to 3 but I lose count). No tests are usually done unless you've been TTC for over a year

In your situation bear in mind that it can take the body a few months to adapt to no artificial hormones so you may need to just track your cycles at that point to get used to how they work, when your periods are, follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase. I found the best app for that is Natural Cycles, it has a TTA and a TTC so you can switch when ready. In summary it tracks you and your cycle so after a few months of putting in your basal body temp (first thing in the morning 2 decimal places body temp) and LH tests around ovulation, it'll start to predict a window of fertility (or avoidance) specific to you and your cycle, the more data the more specific. Most other apps just go on the basis of a standard 28 day cycle with your ovulation at CD 14 (cycle day) which isn't the case for some women. This app accounts for irregular cycles too. I like that you can add in any symptoms and feelings so you can track each month.

Vitamin D, something we're all lacking due to the UK sun and winter! Vitamin D has a direct effect on fertility, amongst other things, both men and women so taking a standard over the counter supplement will help.

Consider getting your thyroid levels checked. No one really mentions it but it's really common especially with endo. Perhaps wait a while until after you have your coil out just to give your body a chance to settle. Low thyroid levels symptoms are; tiredness, hair loss, slow weight gain, problems concentrating, muscle aches and cramps, headaches. You can check levels on your own via online testing.

Oh don't forget to get your partner checked if TTC and nothing after a year - it takes two lol! I don't think you can do that when not TTC. He can just call up his GP and say he needs his sperm checked, they'll do the rest; refer you to the local hospital / clinic, the hospital lets you know your appt, sends you all the details. All the guy has to do is decide to "sample" at home or there (room provided). My husband was really embarrassed but said actually they treat it like any other sample; urine, blood, etc. He waited about 6 months as he said he felt embarrassed asking, but in the end said he wished he'd done that bit sooner as it's so easy compared to what we go through.

Have you had surgery to excise your endo? If not then removing endo first will often increase chances of conceiving. If you don't want surgery that's fine, just bear in mind some symptoms are worse during pregnancy, some women find there's no symptoms so it's different for each woman.

My suggestion would be come off the coil, give yourself a few months to adjust, get that app to get used to you, perhaps look at supplementing vitamin D, then just chill and TTC but don't stress. If nothing after a year and endo symptoms are bad go back to your specialist - quite often there's a window after endo removal where we are most fertile so it may be that you need excision surgery (and investigation - I had dye in my tubes, ovaries and uterus checked at the same time). Look into a fertility specialist and have your partner checked. Sometimes you'll just need an adjustment of vitamins or supplements.

Wow that's long, apologies! Sorry if some of it isn't what you're asking, I just feel planning with endo it's worth knowing everything you can do to help and it's things I wish I'd know about 3 years ago.

That all said, I hope you don't need any of the above and it all just happens xx

Lily1986 profile image

Hello, I have stage 4 endo and had mine down prior to my last excision and my AMH level was below 3 which they said would be too low for ivf (4.5 upwards is the requirement) so it was worth it to know before spending thousands and also meant my surgeon could proceed to be more radical when removing the endo (it grew back within months anyway). I had the test done at a private fertility clinic for about £100- got the results two days later. At the time about 2.5 years ago this test was only available privately. Best wishes to you xxx

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