Has anyone had mirena under general I want it put in but I'm terrified of the pain it may cause the benefits for me outweigh everything else if it works I know it's only 5 mins but the thought of it is putting me off.if you did get it this way .how?
Mirena under general anaesthetic?anyone - Endometriosis UK
Mirena under general anaesthetic?anyone

Yes I got mine under GA. Literally put under just for it, it wasn't part of a surgery or anything.
My gp referred me to gynaecology because I pass out at smear tests and things like that. So I have to go to the hospital for my smears to the colposcopy unit as its better there.
So he agreed that I wouldn't be able to have the coil fitted by them. The gynaecologists gave me some other options like having it done by them in the hospital with local anesthetic. I declined as that doesn't stop me passing out with smears /biopsies. So they agreed to give me GA. I've had it for about 18 months now.
I had a GA once for one privately but recently I had one put in without because it was NHS.
It hurt, but that was mainly because my womb is retroverted and hidden away so she had to clip my cervix open but honestly, it’s over very quickly and if you go to a clinic rather than your GP you’ll have someone who does them all day and can do them gently x
Hi there, my daughter had it put in under a general anaesthetic. She tried at the GPs but it was too painful so GP put in a referral to have it under GA. It was painful when she came round and was given morphine but was put of hospital a couple of hours later.
I've been told it's not that painful if you have ever given birth. I was put under for it years ago due to a hyper active pelvic floor. To have it removed I was given gas as it got lodged. You can always ask for twilight sedation. I've had this for procedures like colonoscopies etc. You are awake but sedstwd heavily and vary remember anything but it wears off very quickly so you don't lose days etc