I started taking amitriptyline almost a week ago and so far no relief. I know it takes time to work. As my right ovary has decided to starting to twisting, burning , stabbing.. Arghhhhh me again (I'm due on in 10days) does anyone know what other painkillers I can take? I know I can take paracetamol but that doesn't do anything. Can I take mefanimic acid? Codeine is a no according to Google. Seeing as it's a weekend and Christmas, I can't ask my GP. (I have an ultrasound booked in early January to check my ovary)
What pain killers I take with Amitriptyli... - Endometriosis UK
What pain killers I take with Amitriptyline?

Speak to a Dr even ouy of hours one over phone they have your records with them, but I've been prescribed amitriptyline along with codeine and oxycodone i was advised to always take paracetamol as it acts as a base. They are really strong pain killers together but my adhesions have me immobile lots of yhe time and i can't take anti inflammatorys xx
I know I need to speak to a Dr. I'm prescribed codeine and mefanimic acid and told to take paracetamol (before my amitriptyline prescription) but wasn't told if I can still take them or not. It's good to know I should be OK with paracetamol and a low doseage of codeine. I can barely move when the twisting burning stabbing takes over. I was awake in the night due to it too. I'm trying a Himalayan salt bath to ease the pain and relax me too. Thank you xx
Bless you i hope you get some relief soon hun. They would say you can't take them with your current meds. It flags up on their computer that its not OK. Speak to out of hours for reassurance hun. Hope your bath helps xx
I've tried calling but not getting anywhere.... 😒 If I can't take the pain any longer I'm going to take 15mg codeine with paracetamol, should be OK. I'm on 10mg of amitriptyline so low compared to what can be taken, so should be ok. I'll call my GP on Monday. Thank you for your advice, it's much appreciated 😊 Merry Christmas xx
Do speak to GP or consultant, it’s important to get the right advice for you.
The consultant told me it can take 6-8 weeks to really start working and it probably did. I started with one 10mg for a week, then 2 and after a few weeks he said to increase up to 5 20mg. In the meantime I took Oramorph when really bad and Tramadol not so bad, along with paracetamol. Wheat bags helped as well, even better at times.
I read it can take a few weeks to kick in. I'm looking forward to it working!! That's good to know, I should be OK on codeine if I get too bad. I have a hot water bottle glued to me. Duvet day!! I've tried calling a GP but not getting any luck getting through. Thank you for the advice xx
🤞 for you 🙂The best way to get a response is the online consultation form on the surgery website, works so much better and let’s you know when you’ll get a response.
My surgery took that option away at the beginning of Covid. It's impossible to speak to someone now at weekends or public holidays. I think 111 is my next option but they will probably just say no to codeine. Thanks x
Mine did the complete opposite 😆, wanting everyone to use it for triage.The pain nurse said Tramadol was better than codeine/cocodamol for endo. She was the head nurse of the clinic. A&E did well that day asking her for advice.
111 can be useful for out of hours. I saw a GP who was also a gynaecologist
It makes sense!! Mine is just silly. They were closed the other Friday too. Nightmare!!I spent months on tramadol waiting for an operation on my wrist, and I've not taken it since. I think I got to the point of hallucinations 😅 I'll have a dig around and see if I have any but if not, it's definitely getting to the point where I need to take something or go to A&E.
I went on a week day and cancelled a GP call back and told them why. Nearly got turned away from A&E as they told me it was a GP thing, told them I was getting nowhere and hammed it up a bit 😂
Good for you for being persistent! This whole thing is just a nightmare what we have to go through!! I've got an ultrasound on the 7th but if this gets any worse I think I'll be going in to have it sooner! I've just resorted up codeine and Paracetamol (no tramadol) and fresh hot water bottle.
Do push if you have to and for advice re painkillers. It’s hard to keep going back, but I’ve looked past this and my medical record is now crap, but proved right each step with answers, which makes up for it. The pain nurse was the first person to actually say it’s not in my head!
Good luck, I think you’ll be ok though in persevering 🙂
The nurse practitioner really pushed for me to be listened to and I'm finally on the right track. I'm well supplied with codeine and MA but then another GP put me on amitriptyline... That's where I'm lost with what I can or can't take. I'm seeing an endo specialist in a few weeks too but hopefully the ultrasound will give them the proof (or some proof) as I'm pretty sure I have an evil cyst and potentially endo in my diaphragm. Im dreading my next water bill as I feel like I like in the bath 🤣 it does help a bit though, although temporary.Thank you! 😊 x
I am also on amitrptyline, when I had my biopsy last year, they gave me codeine. And didn't say I couldn't take it as well as the amitrptyline. So I think you should be OK to do so. But do contact the Drs, as that's what they are for, even the out of hours ones. Good luck.
My daughter takes tramodol it helps some. Amitriptyline did nothing for her. I hope you get something to help you.
I dont have tramadol and I don't like it. I was on it for months due to an injury and it had me hallucinating 😂 I haven't taken it since. Codeine seems to work for me when taken with paracetamol. It's good to know I can still take it on amitriptyline. I'm hoping amitriptyline will eventually work for me as a lot of my pain seems to be nerve related. Thank you for your reply 😊
Hi, I know you’ve already taken it which is good but absolutely fine to take both (I was prescribed this years ago, no longer on it). The reason it flags up is because taking both can increase side effects such as drowsiness...So just be aware if there’s any effect on you before driving etc. Tramadol is prescribed at times because it also has something in it to help with nerve pain but i didn’t have enough of an enzyme needed to break it down so didn’t get side effects on the max dose but also no pain relief. Amitriptyline will help with nerve pain and Codeine can help with other sorts but be mindful of the list of side effects from that too and that you can build up a tolerance to it. I’m sorry to hear that you’re incredibly sore but if you need to call 111, just do that as it’s what they’re there for when the gp isn’t around to help - public holidays etc. I’ve had to call during GP hours because the GP couldn’t call me back until the evening but I literally couldn’t move, but being in severe pain isn’t ok so don’t feel that you should just wait like this for days either.

Thank you for your advice. As long as is just drowsiness, that's fine. (I haven't driven in years) I'm managing the pain now I'm taking codeine again. I know that if get a fever or actually sick etc I'll go to A&E, I'm just currently in limbo between appointments (ultrasounds & specialist) and waiting for the amitriptyline to work. Thanks to everyone here, I've been able to manage it. I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow though 😣
It’s not easy to manage when you feel alone with it and for some reason I used to feel embarrassed about the pain I felt and was made to think it was in my head. The pain is real whether it’s related to endo or the nerve pain from the damage that it does. Equally, any pain I’ve felt since diagnosis is now put down to endometriosis but the last two times I suffered with new pain, one was a UTI and the other a herniated disc so be mindful of that also. I hope your appointments give you some answers. I’m on amitriptyline and have temporarily gone up to 100mg but usually about 25mg-50mg works best for me and it’s made such a difference to my life so I hope it has the same effect for you. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried a tens machine? I got one through the pain clinic but recently bought the boots mini tens as an easier option to pop on if any certain areas were really hurting - especially at work or if I was out and about, might be worth a shot?

Having someone (people) to talk to who understands helps a lot too. I try and plough through the pain and not say anything as I feel friends and family are fed up with it (as am I) I know they care but I just don't feel they understand. I've thought about a tens machine but I'm allergic to sticky tapes etc I have to have special surgical tape after surgeries. The glues burn my skin. Super sensitive!! So that's put me off. I wish I could attach a hot water bottle to me. I do use the heat pads you stick to knickers but only when desperate as the cost adds up and not eco friendly at all.
I’m allergic to plasters and certain dressings and haven’t had any issues with the tens machine pads but I’m not sure if there’s special pads you could get...could be worth looking into. Or even if you asked through the gp about one and try it it won’t cost you anything.
Something different for at home too, my boyfriend actually bought me it, electric heat pad. You get them from sites like Amazon etc but it’s a god send! Not helpful for when you’re out but really good for home. You’re right about having someone to talk to that gets it, I went to a chronic pelvic pain group - have never been into that type of thing - but I said as miserable as we all were with pain it was nice to sit in a group of people who got the strange thoughts that go through our head and we all laughed! They had a family session too, I took my partner some brought parents but there were lots of tears and none of the family members were fed up with the person, only not knowing what to do or how to help so they share in that frustration. Because we are fed up with it being such a big part of our life, we sometimes put that on others but they’re still there so I would think they want to know how to help. There are endometriosis uk support groups too, I’ve never had the guts to go to one I don’t know why but building up to it!

That's an idea, I'll ask my GP about trying a tens machine. I love my hot water bottle but not practical out and about sadly. I had an electric one I used at work but it still wasn't practical. A wearable discreat tens would be great if it helps. I think you're right there. I'm sure they wish they could help but can't and feel helpless as you can only say so much. I went to a zoom endo group meeting and a pain management lecture. I think being on zoom made it easier to attend as I'm also not one for support groups, they always seem daunting. They were good although not much help apart from learning to stop trying to work my core specifically, just stick to gentle yoga... If it wasn't for my suspected cyst, I'd be managing OK... Just about!
Hiya.I'm on amitriptyline at the night and was prescribed mefanamic acid and buscopan to take along side it. I've been on it a few months now and it's helping but when it starts getting closer to that time of the month, the pain does increase. Although for me nowhere near as bad as before. I find the Amytriptyline gives me baseline pain relief and the mefanamic acid adds the extra I need. I also got a tens machine to add some extra help. I'll try anything that might help. Keep up with it, hopefully you'll get some relief soon. Good luck xx
Hi, that's great to hear you're taking MA too. I usually only take it a few days before my period and during but currently it's my ovary being a b***h the last couple of months. Suspected cyst. I've been getting a few days respite but as soon as I hit the 10 days to go window it flares up. Hopefully I'll get answers soon. It's great to know I can continue the MA as it does help when with codeine and Paracetamol. I'm hoping I can cut back on the pills once the amitriptyline kicks in! I'm dreading my water bill as I do have a lot of cbd Himalayan salt baths 😁Thanks 😊
Naproxen is good for cramping pains, but after a while i became immune to them so don't do much for me now.🙃 but might tie you over till Jan if you can get hold of some x