I have been struggling with endo now for 2 years but only diagnosed for 6 months, I have another appointment in September to talk about excising more endo. However yesterday i took a bad turn and could barely stand up from the pain i was in. I went to my gp who sent me straight to hospital. I had an internal and 2 ultrasounds, they initially thought it was a burst cyst on my ovary but couldn't see my ovary on any of the scans. Because they couldn't see my ovary they couldnt see what was wrong they sent me home and said they couldn't give me stronger pain killers than what i am already on (codeine, naproxen and amitrityline). Have an appointment with the gp again today to ask about pain killers, but was wondering if anyone here has an idea of what pain killers i should ask for? or what the pain I am experiencing now could be? I am so fed up and had to resign from my job today as I have taken too much time off
Can't be given stronger pain killers? - Endometriosis UK
Can't be given stronger pain killers?

Sorry to hear that you had to resign from your job I fear I'll have to do the same soon if things continue.
Doctors have prescribed me cocodemol (30mg codeine) and tramadol. But I'm yet to find anything that deals with the pain but doesn't knock me out! I'd like to hear what responses you get from your GP in regards to this.
Best of luck x
hi, thanks for your reply! went to the gp today, £42 worth of tablets later and I feel a little more positive. I have been referred to the pain clinic, and given tramadol, diclofenac, prochlorperazine (for sickness) and amitriptyline. I'm not happy about having to take this many tablets everyday but for the short term it will have to do
I am using diclofenac and tramadol for my endo pain and I am finding them helpful. Doesn't get rid of the pain entirely but it's enough that I can cope at home and don't have to go to A&E when it's really bad. Did they give you the diclofenac suppositories? If not it might be worth asking for them - I have this and they are great, you can use them and they work even if you're throwing up.

ooh no they didn't offer them but I will definetely ask you recommend, thanks for your reply
I find tramadol helps a lot it doesn't get rid of the pain completely but it does help also I paid for a pre paid prescription if you get regular medication well worth it cost is about £120 per year it has saved me a lot.I hope that you find something that works for you.
My consultant (private) has just asked my GP to prescribe my diclofenac suppositories but she's refusing saying that the NHS don't prescribe them!! I've heard of others having them through the NHS though. I'm waiting to hear today if I can get a private prescription for them or if the GP will prescribe them after taking advice from a higher authority!. I'm currently taking cocodamol and tramadol for the pain, which have no effect😞
That's awful that your GP is refusing to prescribe you a drug that could help your pain. I think it is sometimes down to what area you live in, which doesn't seem fair at all.
I managed to get my consultant to fax a private prescription to my local pharmacy today. When I went to the pharmacy and was telling them that the GP wouldn't prescribe them on the NHS the pharmacist said it was nonsense and they do prescriptions for them all the time. I don't know why some GP's have to make things harder for us😞
I have these through the NHS, so it's simply not true that they won't prescribe them.

I managed to get my consultant to fax a private prescription to my local pharmacy today. When I went to the pharmacy and was telling them that the GP wouldn't prescribe them on the NHS the pharmacist said it was nonsense and they do prescriptions for them all the time. I don't know why some GP's have to make things harder for us😞
these pain killers haven't helped all night ive had no sleep and the pain is just getting worse!
I Take codiene!
I'm on tramadol paracetamol and gabapentin I was on tramadol paracetamol and amytriptyline but done nothing for my pain I find that tramadol gabapentin and paracetamol are helping hope u find something that helps also I use heat pad to help with the pain also xx
Sorry to hear you are in pain and struggling. When I had multiple cysts I didn't find anything that would ease the pain. My doctor kept giving me codeine when after I told her it just makes me sleep all the time. Her response was "well if you are asleep you can't feel the pain" !! Not really ideal when you have a job.
I used to take lots of hot baths, I found my heat pad helped a lot. I know that isn't ideal in this warmer weather. Maybe you can try a koolpak, I got mine on amazon and always keep two in the fridge. It isn't as effective as heat, but it helps a little.
thanks for all the responses! i've spent the morning in a&e after passing out from pain...was given morphine and sent home. I'm finding it very frustrating that nothing else can be done. I have an appt with gynae next month so hopefully something can get sorted then
I went to the gp recently as been in so much paid! Naproxen wasn't touching it and he gave me mefenamic acid tablets apparently it is for gyno problems and it has been easing the pain
I take codeine and when I still feel the pain with those I take oramorph, it's great at killing the pain but then it makes me sleep, which helps if you can't sleep due to pain but I can't make any plans for the day and sometimes the day after.