Hi I have had my first Zodalex injection to temporarily take me into menopause and see how I get on with HRT, how have people’s symptoms been on this? Any advice or tips o would be great ☺️
Zodalex injections : Hi I have had my first... - Endometriosis UK
Zodalex injections

Hey hun, I will have had these injections 6 months on Friday. To start with mood swings were rough going and night sweats are not nice...however compared to symptoms before hand theses are easier. They have settled down. Good luck x
Hello I was on zoladex for a while to along with tibilone hrt. Although I stopped last month as I'm in for abdominal hysterectomy next week. I agree with kellie2. The sweats are alotx and the mood swings were becoming a real issue I had to call my gp and get something else also had a constant resting bitch face lol iv still got symptoms now as it's prob still in my system a little although not as bad. Be glad for my hysterectomy. How come you were prescribed the zoladex I'm 29 are you youngish or older xx

Yes that’s what I’m on too, ah right I discussed this with my consultant and I can have a hysterectomy if I get on with hrt then he will do it in 9-12 months time, ah I can’t wait for them then 🤣 I’m 27 had multiple surgeries have endo and adeno nothing seems to help with my pain and other symptoms and I also don’t want children so it’s an option for me to have hysterectomy, recently had a bad flare up ended up in hospital for nearly a week so the injections was the beat option.
Did you decide on a hysterectomy? Xx
I got diagnosed with endo around 10 years ago but was never an issue for me, had some polyps removed but suffered horrendous periods like I bled for 9 months with a few days break a time iv tried everything going lots of little operations too all types of contraceptives and then stuff like tranexemic acid, norethisterone, medroxy progesterone then the zoladex that didn't even stop it for me lol so I went back to gyne in private hosp and he said the only option to guatentee an end to my pain and bleeding is hysterectomy. He's an amazing consultant. I can't have any more children we'll I could but it would be very dangerous for me after I deliver so been advised not to as it would literally be a trip to intensive care so no more for me anyways. I have 2 children but this was a last resort iv had a good 10 years of trying things. Your symptoms may not kik in till the next injection or may be after 2 weeks like mine were xx

Well I hope it goes well for you, a lot of people question me because of my age but it’s no one else business in the nicest way as my family back me on my decision, sounds like you’ve been through a lot and I hope this helps, I’ve had tried many tablets,injections surgeries etc nothing helps so last option as well xx
It's nothing to with any one about your age I only asked cos I'm young too well youngish haha be 30 in March. Everyone has a different story and different reasons xxx

Oh no wasn’t saying it about you I’ve seen other people comments on here asking people not to have them done etc and yeh they do xxx
Hi lovely, I had my first Zoladex injection 1 Week ago today. I have been very emotional and quite impatient with people which is unusual for me. The past few days I have experienced quite severe tummy pains and have experienced a very very swollen belly... more than a normal endo belly. I've noticed my face has been getting hot and flushed sporadically. Good luck... and remember to stay positive x
I’ve been on the injections for 4 years. They have been an absolute life saver for me personally! Hot flushes were quite intense in the beginning but subsided 6 months in. Low libido has been a consistent side effect for me the whole time. Also aching joints but that was after a year or so. Even with these symptoms I wouldn’t be without the injections personally.