Pre surgery anxiety : Does anyone know if... - Endometriosis UK

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Pre surgery anxiety

16 Replies

Does anyone know if before you get took to theatre (2 weeks time for me for a abdominal hysterectomy) if the hosp will give you anything for major anxiety. I have a feeling I'm going to try run out the place with worry and fright!!

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16 Replies
EndoJaz profile image

Hi you will be given a pre led which makes you a bit calmer. I had the endo nurse with me before my hysterectomy and she even walked me down to theatre as I was very stressed about it. Turned out not to be so bad. Good luck and try to keep calm. Lavender oil and chamomile tea the night before x

in reply to EndoJaz

I'm more frightened about the anastetic part then the surgery. Did u have abdominal hysterectomy or keyhole when was your surgery xx

EndoJaz profile image
EndoJaz in reply to

Mine was keyhole 3 years ago. I do get sickness when I have anaesthetic but the actual process is quite daunting but the theatre staff were so good at putting me at ease.

in reply to EndoJaz

Don't want to run out the place with being scared lol I'm sure ile be fine iv got to be there at 7am only gyne op of the day so I'm sure I won't have very much time to think about it xxxx

EndoJaz profile image
EndoJaz in reply to

I know any op is scary but just think of the relief you will get after. I can honestly say the whole experience wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be in my mind. Just get plenty of rest after and don’t be tempted to do things. Let us know how you get on x

Whoisthis profile image

Hello do you use CBD oil? The next coupe of weeks it helped calm my nerves, I’m 45 and had my first surgery 4 weeks ago, o was on my own in hospital due to Covid and in London. I was getting chest pains with panic and the CBD helped, I told the nurses I was scared and nervous and they were wonderful.

The actual putting to sleep bit was just so strange one moment I was chatting to the guy next I woke up in recovery?? Honestly I have no idea what I was worried about.

The worry is real, the nerves are real but I’d spend time now getting the “calm” app helped me and the CBD oil.

Big hugs and the nurses and surgeons are just the most friendly people.

in reply to Whoisthis

Hello no I don't use anything generally not an anxious person I'm just petrified of going to the anastetic room and feel I may run out the place lol xx

It's just major surgery isn't it, iv only ever had c section before 11years ago and was put to sleep that was emergency so didn't get time to worry. No choice now I have to go ahead, my consultant took it to management to get me in with all this covid stuff going on so I can't let him down and my hubby has had so much time of work so can't let him down i know ile be fine it's mind over matter xx

Moon_maiden profile image

I’m sure you’ll be fine when it comes to it.

I felt the same, first ever op, on the day it was ok. Couldn’t have run if I wouldn’t to as nurse took my arm walking down there 🤣

They can give a sedative, refused me because of sleep apnoea and sedatives in the past stopped me breathing at the dentist.

Had they, il see what they say on the day I've had little operations before but was put to sleep for c section 11 years ago had no choice in that though!! Il be fine.

edonn profile image

As someone who thought I also would 100% 'run away' on the day, I promise won't. If I didn't you won't. :-) You will feel scared of course, that's normal, but I promise you if you share with staff on arrival just how scared you are, they will make sure they support you. Everyone hospital is different but I've had my husband allowed to come down to pre-theatre room with me even, they know it's better you are calm going asleep than all stressed out.

Try to use some meditation and yoga now, get used to good deep breathing and trying to accept the feeling of fear you have, your mind is trying to protect you, so don't fight it.

My biggest tip, once they roll you into the theatre, just close your eyes and tell them "I'm keeping my eyes closed please if ok, and let them help you bed to bed etc. I found seeing them all standing around, the equipment made me feel extra scared first time, so next time I was ready and just closed my eyes. Might just be me, but worth a try!

Much love, you will be ok, yes you will...believe in you! x

in reply to edonn

Thank you that has helped so much don't think ide be as frightened if it was keyhole think cos its open surgery xxx

in reply to edonn

No ones allowed in the hosp no visitors nothing so all alone unfortunately when I arrive till I leavewith all what's gone on xxx

edonn profile image

Ah ok, I'm in Ireland, visitors rules have eased somewhat thankfully. I'm so sorry as that is super scary, no two ways about it.

I have a hysterectomy and bowel resection coming up in September and I do feel your open surgery fear and the worry things will change again and I also won't be allowed visitors by then etc. I had hoped it could be done lap, but the area of bowel, well I won't bore, anyway it has to be open. I don't know why is scares me more, maybe you are the same, it feels bigger to me in every way!

But hey, you know there's another person sitting here today feeling exact same fear.

Do ask for a pre med, do tell them how you feel, and do be kind to yourself right now. When it gets to the day itself....a doctor friend wisely told me before, "walk in the door and you hand yourself over to the team, stop questioning, wondering, in everyway. You have to trust that they are experts in taking care of your through procedures and now their job starts."

As humans, we don't like losing control of ourselves :-). I feel for you, stay strong x

in reply to edonn

Yeah your totally right... And what will be will be. Yes I does feel bigger doesn't it when it's open. I scare mongered myself by watching videos daft!!! Xxx

edonn profile image

Ha, I love a good surgery video myself, love medical stuff, but when it's you, it is different. Remember what looks gorey, terrifying and so serious to us, 'good god they are cutting and burning and shoving everything around'... is a normal day for them and we all recover usually very well. The body is an amazing thing!Take care!

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