Hello all. A bit of a strange one here.
So I’m 26 and have had abdo pain for about 5 and a half years now. Lots of tests 2 laparoscopic surgeries with one cyst removed and Endo treated with diathermy in Feb this year. I’ve been on the mirena coil for a year now and was on the depo injection for years before that. I haven’t had a natural period for years and in fact not bled at all since getting the coil up until the month after my recent surgery. I’ve worked out that I was bleeding around this time last month and weirdly whilst I’m bleeding I’m not having my normal Endo pain (lower right side). I’m just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience or bleeds regularly on the mirena coil? It’s unusual for me and I’m looking for advice! Not ideal either but had no follow up from my surgery due to Covid-19!
Thanks so much