I am new to this site but just about at my wits end. I was diagnosed with endo last year after 12 years of being told I was normal and had IBS. I have been told my endo has stuck my bowel to my cerix and also has grown through into my vagina. For years doctors kept wondering what the lumps were when I had a smear and finally I have an answer! Anyway I have opted for surgery in a few months and I am terrified. I can no longer take the combined pill which helped sypmtoms most of my teens and early 20s as I have developed migranes with them. The progesterone only pill made my moods so bad I was always crying. The mirena coil, fitted at time of surgery last year was agony! It did help the pains but it caused so much pain in my vagina I couldn't even sit down. I kept saying it was like the threads were digging into the walls. I had a colposcopy and I was so red and inflammed the doc couldn't even get the camera through my cervix due to the agonising pain so he removed the mirena coil.
I am now seeing a specialist gynae in endo. He wants to operate and basically slice my endo away and also cut out the disc of it from my vagina and stitch this up. I have to have 2 surgeons in theatre, a bowel specialist incase the endo is so deep I need a bowel resection. The problem is the surgeons are basically going in blind. They don't know till they start how much they need to cut away and this scares me. All I know is I can't cope with this pain! I used to have a week or 2 a month relatively pain free but now I am just in pain all the time. Across my lower back, my bum, down my legs, along my pubic bone at front etc. Every bowel movement hurts. Even peeing causes pains during my period. I am constantly bloated. I have put on over a stone since my surgery and mirena fitting last summer which is getting me down. I still get headaches and I now have problems with exteme fatigue. My GP has put it down to chronic fatigue caused by my endo and I keep getting really cold hands/ fingers and tingling in them.
I am sorry to go on. I know we are all in pain. I just needed a bit of a rant! I am just really scared about this surgery. Has anyone had it?
Thanks ladies