Hi guys, sorry to ask more questions! But you guys know far more than anyone else! I've had an ultrasound 2 days ago so just waiting for the results to this. I'm also being tested for thrombophilia as they are reluctant to put me on the pill due to a relative having a clot. I'm worried that I'm going to be stuck as to what they can actually do to help me, I really don't want the coil and I don't know what else they would do to help symptoms. Anybody know anymore than me? Thanks xxx
Not sure how they're going to help - Endometriosis UK
Not sure how they're going to help

Hi there, As an endometriosis suffer myself I have found the following things that have help me through my pain: (rather than just relying on paracetamol or ibuprofen all the time.)
- Hot water bottle
- meditiation for pain and relaxation. Search for the mindful Movement on their You Tube channel.
- Vicks vapour rub
- Piliates
- Yoga before bedtime
- A change in diet including reducing your in take of red meat
- Lot of fruit and fresh green leafy vegetables
- Camamile or ginger and lemon tea
- choose Lactose free milk to prevent bloating in the tummy
- Go gluten and wheat free. (This will again help stop the comfortableness of that bloating feeling.)
I really hope this will help you out! As I can understand the pain you are going through. Good luck with everything! Take care of yourself!
Thank you so much, I will certainly try those! I'm already gluten free so that's helpful!
Thank you very much, I hope you're not suffering too much at the moment
If it turns out you have endo, the medical treatment options are basically hormonal or surgery. The hormonal options are contraceptives (pill, coil, etc) or the other option, which is inducing temporary menopause through hormone blockers. Chemical menopause is reversible but it is not something to be done lightly. It might be an idea to have a good chat about the coil and why you don't want it, and see if any of your concerns can be alleviated. Basically all of the medical options have downsides.
The non-medical things you can do to improve your symptoms may help you feel better, but if you have endo and aren't doing anything either to treat the disease itself or stop it from getting worse (by stopping the ovulation cycle), it will get worse.
Wow, that sounds depressing when I write it out but you are stronger than you know I'm sure and more than up to any of this! xx
I was put on visanne but I have to get it overseas and there is a Risk if blood clots so I walk 2 -3 hrs a day xx