Hello, I am having one of those "isolated" days. I don't know anyone with endometriosis, with which I have been diagnosed for the past 13 years. As of this February and confirmed yesterday I do not have it. Instead I have endosalpingiosis which I have been told I should treat as endometriosis. Endosalpingiosis is when fallopian tube cells are growing whenever they want. It is so rare according to the surgeon, she does not know what percent of women are affected. Not much known about that condition as well, so everybody treats it as endo. That is not enough for me.. I read that patients with endosalpingiosis have a greater chance for cancers, but my doc did not tell me that. So maybe it is not proven. I found one research about it and it is said that patients should be followed more closely. In anyway, finding someone with endo is hard enough, so I am very grateful for that forum. Finding a person with endosalpingiosis feels like impossible task. Is any of you have been diagnosed with endosalpingiosis?
In February I had laparoscopy during with my left ovary and the tube were removed due to the suspicious cyst. It was false alarm and a big relieve!
I am also trying endo diet, but it is so bland I am trying to find recipes that I like, but no luck so far. I know it is just a beginning for me and I need to be patient. But there are so many limitations. I was somewhat eating close to that diet before I started it - I have been GF already, did not like much meat, almost no dairy. But I love my cheeses! Does anyone tried goat cheese and feels well after eating it? Now I feel like eggs do not agree with me, even ones that are mixed in the food, such as crepes. I am still working on it though. Please share with me any simple breakfast recipes that you like.
I am very tired all the time, but trying to hold it together for my kids and husband, who is very understanding. I know people go through worse. My endosalpingiosis is painful, but not as much as for some of you. I have been diagnosed with ITP last year, which is rare condition as well. I think feeling of being so "rare" is hard for me:))) and this diet...help me God! Where is my cheese and wine?! :))))
Sorry for the long post!