Hi all,
I have recently come off of contraception to try to a baby however every time i have sex I bleed... Will this stop me conceiving?
Hi all,
I have recently come off of contraception to try to a baby however every time i have sex I bleed... Will this stop me conceiving?
Hi you need to find out whether you are ovulating. I would buy the kits that you pee on to see if are ovulating. I couldn't ovulate due to endometriosis all over my ovaries. Endometriosis can reduce your fertility as much as 80%.
When was your cervix checked and pap smear done? Post coital bleed is not typical of endometriosis. Deep pain during sex is.
To just purely answer the question, no it shouldn't. Might be an idea to find out why though, some people bleed slightly when they ovulate, or you can have something called an ectropian where the cells from the inside are on the outside. I had this and still managed to conceive (at the 'wrong' time of the month. But probably best to go to the dr and ask for a smear test, bleeding after sex should be looked into. Hope this helps and good luck!
Sorry, the ectropian is on the cervix.. Didn't really make that clear
What wollyog said! It shouldn't stop you conceiving, but it could be best to find out both if you are ovulating and why you are bleeding.
Visit your GP and you could also speak directly to fertility experts and gynaecologists on Adia for free which is an app to help with all things hormones, preconception planning and fertility treatments - you may find some answers there
Good luck x