Tilted womb and Hysterectomy at 30 - Endometriosis UK

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Tilted womb and Hysterectomy at 30

Nina8921 profile image
9 Replies

Hello, I may not be in the right place but I have been finding this site useful for me and I am hoping that someone can help me.

I went to see my surgeon on Wednesday after having a Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy done and the surgeon could not find any endo.

If I'm honest I didnt think he would.

My symptoms have been going on for just over two years now I have, Pelvic pain, deep pain during intercourse, back pain after intercourse and bleeding during intercourse. These few are a lottery sometimes on will happen or two or all 3, and there is no preference between position or the type of intercourse. Very back lower back cramps during period, irregular bleeding, bleeding from my vigina after a bowl movement, kidney pains.

During the course of my investigations I had an internal ultrasound and was told I had a tilted womb.

My gyno said that this would be contributing to my problems and brushed it off and said I would probably born with it and that they used to do surgery to put it back in place but they dont anymore.

3 days ago when I visited him for the results of my surgery he said they cannot find any reason for why these things are happening and said they could do me an endometrial ablation and steralize me so I couldnt get pregnant as it's not advised, this should take away the bleeding issues but maybe not the pain or give me a hysterectomy.

I have a 12 year old daughter and I have no desire to ever have any more children but a hysterectomy seems like a last resort for me due to my age.

The ablation and sterilization seems like the better option but it's still not going to take away my pain. I've done some research and a tilted womb can accure after pregnancy. After I had my girl I have always found tampons uncomfortable and I did find some deeper intercourse positions uncomfortable but I put this down to having had a baby and didnt think anything of it. Its possible my womb became tilted after pregnancy due to the muscles not going back as they should and that over time those weak muscles have become weaker and cause my womb to tilt back further to the point its lot causing me discomfort and pain.

I would like to ask my surgeon if he would lift my womb back into place during the ablation and sterilization seen as he is in there anyway and even if he thinks it's not a cause of the problem is there really any harm in putting it back into place to see if that does make a difference? Surely it's much better to put it back into place and see if it does rather then to give me a hysterectomy that actually may not be needed!.

I was wondering if anyone else had a tilted womb and if they felt that actually it did cause them problems and if anyone has been taken seriously regarding this.

Thankyou :)

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Nina8921 profile image
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9 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi Nina I read your post and your symptoms sounds quite similar to mine.

I would say a hysterectomy is so drastic as it is major surgery. There will be a reason for your pain, change your GP until one takes you seriously.

I had a lap and no endo found but my doctor says I have it due to my symptoms. I also have adenomyosis (diagnosed via MRI).

Have they sent you for an MRI?

I don’t know what other tests they have done if any apart from your lap but even an ultrasound scan didn’t give me any answers.

A while ago I posted on here about ablation, some people said it was fantastic for then and done it only worked a short time.

It’s so difficult to decide on what’s best for you, you will find lots of support on here x

Nina8921 profile image
Nina8921 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Hi :) I have an swab tests done to check for any infections, internal and external ultrasound scans, internal examination of my cervix, a smear test and the lap and hysteroscopy I have also tried hormonal contraceptives to manage my symptoms but they have no made a difference if anything my mood is lower and I find it hard to stay emotionally balanced when on hormonal contraceptives.

Still they cant find a reason for it.

I'm leaning more towards the ablation as I really dont want to have an hysterectomy unless totally nessasary and all other avanues have been exhausted.

My only issue is that I feel that my tilted womb could be a contributing factor to some of my symptoms but I have been dismissed that it will be. I know many woman are fine with a tilted womb and never have any problems with it but it must be causing problems for some people and I think I could be one of them.

I hope you manage to get the answers you are looking for too x

Hello Nina,

I have the exact issue ( I had a laparoscopy for suspecting endometriosis) but my doctor found nothing and told me I have a tilted uterus.

I am 30 and have one kid as well :)

I started having an endometriosis like symptoms since I was 14, but after finding nothing and still in pain don't know what to do.

Going to discuss the surgery of lifting my uterus back with my doc in my next appointment, because I agree with you about doing a hysterectomy won't be necessary at all!

Guess seeking another opinion is much better for you.

Best of luck xx

Nina8921 profile image
Nina8921 in reply to

Thankyou! I do believe this is what's causing a lot of my symptoms but my gyno said that they do not do surgery to lift a tilted womb anymore as there is no evidence to suggest it makes a difference. But I believe it will do. I'm going to discuss this with my gyno next time I see him but if he will no do surgery on my tilted womb I will go see someone else and hopefully get a better result.

Even though I do not wish to have any more kids I felt like it was too keen or quick to suggest a hysterectomy.

I hope you get the answers and treatment that you need!


in reply to Nina8921

Thanks a lot hun! :) xx

Ursa80 profile image

Hello Nina,

I agree with AllthatGlitters, a second opinion is well worth looking into, you are allowed to change your consultant and your hospital if you want- patient choice.

Research and look for other practitioners. This is something that has been suggested to me, often by older practitioners. Its your body!

Remember the perspective they are coming at it from is seeing you as one among a number of cases. You live in your body, you know what it does... you would be young to have a hysterectomy it would put you into or accelerate your menopause.

The thinking now - I have been told is to help women keep their natural oestrogen as long as possible to support bone health.

I am 38 and in menopause- symptoms started when I was 34, I am on HRT but still have endometriosis and now Adenomyosis. I have been told about something called curettage but not many people in the UK do it, its more common in France. I may look at this if my symptoms get worse . I have used my savings to see a functional medicine practitioner alongside my NHS practitioner, its helped with pain management, but it is frustrating to have to do this...

But it is a good source of information and makes it easier to ask the consultant more.

I hope that helps,


StefaniaJW profile image

Endometrial ablation will reduce the bleeding but won't take the pain away. A hysterectomy is a good choice is you have adenomyosis, but if you feel like not having it, you can keep the uterus.

I have to warn you though: the fact that they didn't find any endometriosis doesn't mean anything. You might very likely suffer from it and no one found it so far because they weren't trained excision surgeons. Was it a Nancy Nook surgeon or a BSGE certified surgeon who performed the laparoscopy? If the answer is no, you might still have endo and no one saw it and removed it.

A tilted uterus can bring discomfort during tampon insertion or sexual intercourse and putting it back to place might help, but if you have thickened utero-sacral ligaments putting it back to place during surgery might be hard. You can ask them to try but I can't guarantee + the uterus tends to get back into the original position.

I would definitely get surgery with a professional

Brambledoggy profile image

I have a tilted uterus and chronic endometriosis and had an ablation. I think you need a second opinion and need to find a better surgeon. My ablation didn't do a thing for my endometriosis. Neither did my laser surgeries. I’m currently finding a “better” surgeon. I’m also called Nina and my nickname is The Fox!! Much in common hey??!!

MTL2008 profile image

I have a tilted uterus but I haven’t been diagnosed with endometriosis yet. I have a strong pain with deep intercourse to the point that I cannot have sex anymore. But that’s the only symptom that I have. No painful periods or any other symptom apart from bloating (which I’ve been having since I was 15). My doctor suggested pelvic floor therapy but after 3 sessions I’ve realized they were not helping at all as my problem is deep inside. I’m doing a lot of research now (I’m reading several books related to endo and painful sex) because I’m kind of lost. I’ll probably look for another opinion as well because my doctor was like “you have a tilted uterus that might cause your pain” and that was it. He might think it’s not a big deal because I’m not in pain 24/7 but it does affect my life as I’m single (I’m 40) and I cannot even think of dating because I cannot have sex. If I had a partner already it probably would be easier but sharing all this info with somebody I don’t know it’s hard. You are not alone in this.

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