Hi I had a scan and they found endometrial cysts on both ovaries. I have to have a laporoscopy, hysteroscopy, and Mirena coil fitted. I am so scared of what they are going to find. Does anyone have any advice. Thank you
Help: Hi I had a scan and they found... - Endometriosis UK

I had bi-lateral cysts too and had a hysteroscopy and laparoscopy in January. I didn't have the Mirena coil fitted as we're trying to conceive. They found some additional lesions in my tubes which they removed. They freed up my left ovary from my pelvic wall and the cyst in that ovary drained as they did, so the surgeon cauterised it. He removed the cyst in my right ovary completely. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 endometriosis. Everyone's situation is different so I'm not saying your experience will be the same but I recovered pretty quickly and the operation went very smoothly. Try not to worry, I know it's hard. Whatever the find, it's better to know and get it sorted now. Good luck!
Hi there marmite83. I’m having a laparoscopy in 2 weeks. Did the removal of your endometrioma reduce your egg reserves? I have a 2.5cm one on my left side. Are you glad you had the surgery now? I can see from previous eateries you were debating it xx
I am glad I had it because if I hadn't I would've always wondered if it would have helped us conceive. Unfortunately it hasn't but I also have PCOS and am 36 so lots of things working against me conceiving. We're about to start IVF next cycle. My egg reserves appear to be ok following surgery. Lots of follicles seen on scans since. My AMH test has gone from 32.8 pre-surgery to 20.2 afterwards so it is likely that the surgery did have an impact but 20.2 is still a very good level for my age.
That’s an excellent AMH. This is what I am scared about. My AMH is only 10 pre-surgery!!! I can’t really afford to let it drop any more. My surgeon said it won’t but everything I’ve read says it will! I’ve already had an ectopic so I only have one tube as it is.
Lots and lots of luck for your IVF cycle xx
Thank you! I'm feeling quite nervous about it but trying to stay positive.
I think 2.5cm is pretty small in terms of endometriomas, my consultant said my 5cm one was fairly small. Does it definitely need removing? You could always look into egg freezing first if you're worried about egg reserve depleting. Not cheap and I know it's not something anyone would do lightly but could be worth looking into at least. Good luck, whatever you decide xx
I’m sure you will be fine. Remember the surgeons are experts. Wishing you lots of luck xx