Hello all!
So I'm 26 and for the last 4 years been suffering with all the symptoms to endometriosis. I have been on the floor crying my eyes out in pain and I don't do crying! Sex is a massive no go for me. Periods were unimaginably painful, going to the toilet is a nightmare sometimes, I'm constantly tried, bad back and annoying stabbing shooting pains going down my legs, mostly the left. I went in and out of my GP, countless trips to A&E and then finally they said I maybe suffering from endometriosis. I had never heard of it before. So I googled it and saw that I have all the symptoms. So come early 2016 after doctors prodding and poking me (and resisting the urge to punch the doctors whilst they did this) I was referred to have a laparoscopic surgery. Unfortunately they couldn't find a thing. But before I went under they suggested I have the marina coil in the hope to help with the pain. So they put that In as well. This was in March 2016. And since that day things have been getting worse. Again basically living in my local GP trying to get some sense out of them, after being told it's IBS and to try something for that. Trying IBS tablets with no joy. A doctor took me seriously and referred me to a gyno. I was put on a waiting list then beging of this month I received a letter saying that my appointment that I never knew I had, had been reviewed and was told I need to go to my GP. Fuming i ring my doctor and was told she'd sort it. I finaly received a letter today (21st June 16) saying that the consultant gyno, under whose team that i had my laparoscopy with had suggested that I be referred to a pain management clinic. And she was very sorry to hear I'm still suffering with pain.
So I'm at a loose end. What the flip is a pain management clinic? And surely they should find out what's causing the pain? I'm still convinced I have endometriosis.
Has anyone else suffered with this? Had laparoscopic surgery found nothing but later on diagnosed?
I'm about to loose my last marble!
Thanks for reading