help endometriosis : I can’t seem to get... - Endometriosis UK

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help endometriosis

Lynnsashalily profile image
16 Replies

I can’t seem to get any kind of relief from the pain , I was admitted through a&e for pain relief I was given oral morphine a few times with no relief mybe just the stabbing pain has eased I was taking to a ward abs given iv paracetamol didn’t help was given codine and then suppository s diclofenac , and was discharged with them to suffer at home as I have an appts with dr 23rd of the month they more less didn’t wana know and z they are sorry they can’t help me I left the ward crying 😢, can anybody point me in pain relief that works I am going out of my mind in constant pain please help please

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Lynnsashalily profile image
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16 Replies
Heloo85 profile image

Try buscupan! It’s a muscle relaxant! It’ll stop the contractions! Also, increase your fibre xx

Lynnsashalily profile image
Lynnsashalily in reply to Heloo85

Yes I have also been taking that not working on me either 😪

Pupmumma profile image

I had the exact same experience last weekend. Nothing would help the pain subside and yhe hospital just sent me home with nothing. No information or painkillers. I did really find a hot water bottle helped and I took dehydrocodine just to really knock me out so I could sleep the pain away. It did settle after a few days but I still have niggles and a burning sensation. If you ever just want someone to talk to I'm here. Your not alone!

Lynnsashalily profile image
Lynnsashalily in reply to Pupmumma

Thank u I really don’t know we’re to turn to now morphine wouldn’t even help I’m on diclofenic and paracetamol and codeine none are even knocking me out so I can get a sleep 😴

Pupmumma profile image
Pupmumma in reply to Lynnsashalily

Morphine didn't help me either. I hope you get some answers soon. Don't give up. You have to keep at the doctor's. Its taken me 12 years

Lynnsashalily profile image

They know I have endometriosis as I had a lap to diagnose me 6 years ago and they did a complete clean out and I had no bother for 3 years then I had a large endometrima grow between my rectum and vigina had a large open surgery open straight down my stomach to have it removed I needed my bowel partly removed to reach it then placed back in that’s been about 3 years now abs now I’m told I’ve a small cyst on my ovary but that it couldn’t be causing as much pain as I’m saying I have , like how do they know they aren’t the ones in pain constantly everyday I’m probably gona loose my job over this as I’ve had to take time out of work , I really can’t describe how I’m getting no pain relief at all not even a little what r u taking I’m pulling my hair out in anger and fustration x

Heloo85 profile image
Heloo85 in reply to Lynnsashalily

You need to find better ways of dealing with your pain, or you’ll be stuck in a cycle of pain! We all have pain! But jeez, you really shouldn’t be taking strong meds! 1st and foremost, morphine and codeine cause constipation! If you have adhesions from previous disease/surgery, which is highly likely, they will increase your pain!

Paracetamol puts strain on your liver which is needed to regulate your hormones! High levels of estrogen increase pain!

Try drinking plenty! Anti-inflammatory drinks, low in sugar! Water, green tea, lemon and ginger water, peppermint tea! Eat foods rich in fibre! Oats, fruit, veg! Good quality proteins! Exercise! And get off the meds which are likely causing you pain! Xx

Kirca20 profile image
Kirca20 in reply to Lynnsashalily

Bucharest endometriosis center

Lynnsashalily profile image

Yeah body’s wreaked haven’t went toliet 5 days most likely the codine but when I z that to them they said we will give u laxitives to counteract the codine I just can’t win if I don’t take the pain killers I litterly don’t get a break constantly cramping non stop contractions pain , if I take pain killers I get a slight break enough for me to fall asleep. Running to toliet a lot to pee I’m trying to drink as much as I can of water /green tea and Lemon and stay on fibre diet

Littlebug77 profile image

A tens machine it’s expensive but it messages your muscles and helps take the edge of. Buy cocodamol as just take the diclofenic alongside of it every 4 hours or whatever the dosage is. Boiled eggs help me as well I eat them everyday and it helps with her pain as well as taking multivitamins especially B. That’s horrible they sent you home. I’ve never been sent home on morphine I was kept in for days until my pain stopped the NHS is really on it’s knees

Sabrinacolada profile image


I am so sorry you are going through this I have had a very simular issue with pain releif not working.

I would also say if you haven't defecated in 5 days this could be a fecal impaction where it goes very solid and puts pressure on the pelvic organs etc. If there is endo between the uterus and colon ( pouch of douglas) all this pressure can cause immense pain. I had this happen and nearly fainted with pain since it was pulling against an adhesion. Ultimately lactulose didn't work , suppository were not working. I needed an enema! Not actually as bad as it sounds an instant releif and back ro a manageable pain level . I had a prescription phosphate enema. Other options are laxatives at qn impaction dose but only under doctors advice since its a dehydration risk ( I've had it before and 2 days of severe diarrhoea the enema was actually far better imo).

I highly advise contact your GP explain the pain and endo. Also say not defecated. The phosphate enema really helped with pain immensely at the time since it took all thr pressure off. I would suspect by day 5 not defecating your abdomen will be swollen full of gas etc.

If severe constipation/ fecal impaction is cleared you may get some relief. And if not they need to address pain management.

What codeine/ opiate are you order cocodamol is weakest, dihydrocodeine is in the middle. Oxycodone is strong and long acting but not many will dispense due to addiction. Morphine is strong but short acting.

They all cause constipation so I had the same scenario needed pain relief but made bloating worse etc. Thus high fibre lots of fruit and veggies, water and lactulose or laxido ongoing. Sometimes they will prescribe senna at night but only once feaces is soft. This is since opiates prevent nerve signalling to bowel thus laxatives on their own don't always help they need a stimulant/ prokinetic to give the signal to pass.

Prior to Lap diagnosis I was in a gynae ward for pelvic pain and what they thought was a cyst ( turns out I was right stage 3-4 endo with q frozen pelvis, adhesions, colon stuck etc hence the agony). Morphine even every 2 hours wasn't working. The 15mg dose just knocked me out. I was discharged too on dihydrocodeine, ibuprofen and paracetemol and was still in agony. My gp was able to help in terms of pain relief if it didn't work I'd call again and update him. If not they should have really reffered you to a pain management team while in hospital, it's so sad we are expected to live in pain.

But I really think severe constipation / impaction is one other thing to be ruled out and addressed ASAP. Change of diet and even lactulose won't help on its own by day 5.

Please don't let them fob you off ( even if it means calling the gp daily or changing the gp you see) noone should be in this level of pain. I have been there myself so send hugs and hope you get some relief.

Sabrina x

Sabrinacolada profile image

Forgot to say in my case the opiates / codeine made ongoing constipation qnd abdo pain on top. I am now on naproxen instead. it's also an nsaid so you cant take it with other nsaid but there is a long acting one which is 12 hours I find the anti inflammatory qction better for endo pain then just opiates. But has to be taken with Omeprazole and after a meal to protect the gastric lining. In addition I am also on the progesterone only pill which has alleviated some pain but early days xxx

Narcica profile image

I am sorry that you are suffering without help. I’ve been there for years. I am going to be 100% honest to you; all the pain killers caused me with time internal bleeding then they didn’t give me anything for 7 months. This time a girl I knew gave me edibles which helped me a lot. I am also suffering from nerve and bone pains in my spine so now finally they gave me gabapantin. I have been on Naproxen for years, then codiene, different types of opiates. Now the Decapeptyl injections are helping me managing a bit better endometriosis especially the constant bleeding and cramps, but sadly makes my osteopenia worse. I hope you find something that helps. All the best x

lolli8791 profile image

Hi I was diagnosed with Endometriosis after not being able to get a diagnosis for more than 16yrs. I had different levels of pain, with the GP prescribing Transanamic acid, Methanoic Acid and Naproxen for years. Eventually had a laparoscopy and was diagnosed. Very long story short, had a marina coil fitted which has help almost completely get rid of the pain, but down side for me has been weight gain😳. I guess it’s a balance. Just wanted to suggest I watched a series on channel (recently started) Womens Health: Breaking the Taboo’s, the first episode is on Endometriosis and ideas on pain management including physiotherapy……may help long term. Hope you feel better soon.

Leprechaunsam profile image

I would suggest getting a copy of the book 'In the Flo' by Alissa Vitti or her other book 'The Woman's code'

They provide amazing science based information on how to alleviate symptoms through diet and environmental changes.

They made a huge difference to my pain levels along with coaching specifically tailored to the condition

Kirca20 profile image

I went through the same as you. They don't care. I was sent home in pain as well. None of the medications you mentioned worked for me either. Try amitriptyline, GP prescribed it to me. It does work but made me sleepy. I had enough of the doctors in UK and NHS and I traveled abroad for an answer and end to my pain. Here in UK ,you are placed on waiting list and suffer for days,months, years or you can go private and costs a fortune. Unfair. Abroad it is less than half the cost in UK and better help.

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