Hi Everyone, quick background. 2 kids - 13 and 4 started with endo symptoms pre-pregnancy with baby number 2. GP messed around with my pills and I got caught out with baby number 2. Pregnancy and birth fine. Symptoms came back worsening to where we are now.
Had my lap surgery 28th April - diagnosis severe stage 4 endo removed, 6cm Endometrioma Cyst removed from right ovary and adhesiolysis (ovary fused to my bladder and bowel - god knows how that works) apparently they couldn’t even get to the cyst because the adhesions were that bad. Uterine and bowel involvement. Discharged with marina coil 6 months start the process for further surgery.
Basically, I am really struggling with my recovery. I feel like I am not getting any better! I am still sore and hobbling about the bulk of the work done on me in to my right side where I believe the cyst and adhesions were worst, I also vaguely remember my obgyn telling me they packed it but I was so out of it I don’t remember. I am still so swollen and to to make matters worse the doctor has refused to sign my fit to fly documents today for my best friends wedding. She flew out there today, I am meant to go Tuesday. I don’t want to do if the doctor says I am not fit but it’s just another massive blow given I am a bridesmaid.
I feel like my tummy should be feel a little less swollen and that I shouldn’t still be saying ouch at every move. I know I have had surgery and pretty major by the sounds of it but I just don’t feel like my insides are healing? Should it take this long? I have no infections or blood/water in the surgery sites from getting checked today. I am just so frustrated that I feel like I am getting no where! It’s all made worse given that they weren’t expecting me to require this much work in theatre. The surgeon even joked before I went down saying if you don’t have that much endo then we won’t bother with the coil.
Any advise on the healing process or similar situations to me would really help me right now to understand what my body is going through xxx
Ps. Pictures below are the post surgery. My tummy is generally flat with a little mum tum to the bottom so these are swelling pics day 21 looks more swollen that day 10 which is why I went to get checked out today