Post Lap Advice: Hi everyone. Hopefully you... - Endometriosis UK

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Post Lap Advice

RhiannonT profile image
16 Replies

Hi everyone. Hopefully you can help. I had my lap on Friday just past (22nd of March) no endometriosis found or anything found, (I don't think much of that tbf as all my symptoms fit). Anyway, I've not had a bowel movement since, I suffer from IBS-C so have suffered from chronic constipation in the past. I usually take Constella for it but there's been a manufacturing problem here so I'm not on it at the moment. 😭 The doctor is going to try and find an alternative. I've tried everything from Peppermint tea to Laxido. Initially I was passing wind, but the last 2 days I've not passed much. Does anybody have any advice?



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16 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi it took me 7 days to go. It was awful as you feel so full and stomach is bloated and hard.

I drank lots of fresh orange juice & I also have bowel problems.

Your body will go when it’s ready but if you are concerned maybe give your GP a ring.


RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thank you so much for the reply! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had same problems, I'll give it a few more days and if no improvement phone GP. Thanks for the orange juice tip too!

Yes, you're right. My body will go when it's ready.


Hi there!

I had my second lap on the 7th and it took me almost 10 days for my bowel movements to adjust. I have IBS too - I wouldn’t worry to much as it’s pretty normal for you to feel like this, it’s only because during the Lap the surgeons have been wiggling your organs and what not about:) Try green tea and plenty of water (juice can help) I found that a hot water bottle every night also helped some how to relax the abdomen muscles? :)

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to

Thank you. 😊

Lou93 profile image

Hi I wouldn’t worry to much it took me almost 2 weeks as hospital said the bowel can go to sleep after a lap and takes a while to go back to a normal.

I had my first lap done in 2015 and nothing was found now having a second one in april as still having issues years later x

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to Lou93

Thank you! So relieved it's nothing to worry about, 😊 still trying to get hold of Constella though as it's the only thing that works. Did they find anything with your second Lap if you don't mind me asking?

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to RhiannonT

Yeh I panicked but I was in hospital for weeks after my first as had complications and they told me when I was in about it’s normal and I haven’t had it yet I’m going through the private route this time and have a specialist for endo to look he suspects I have endo and adeno but we will see pushed my surgery forward to the 11th april as he’s away next week and the pain is awful at the moment 🙈 I can let you know how it goes.

They didn’t find anything with yours then did they say what’s next? Xx

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to Lou93

Please do, would be interesting to hear your experience. And nope, all the gynae said was 'There might be a follow up appointment in 6-8 weeks with Dr Maharaj (consultant), but it will be to discuss hormonal treatment as we couldn't find anything in the lap'. I've tried loads of hormonal options, only one that gave any relief was the Depo as it stopped my periods but even now that's stopped working, still getting endo symptoms just no periods. I'll just need to wait and see what happens I suppose. 🙏

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to RhiannonT

I got the same kind of response after mine and nothing found you have heaven irregular periods and I was to go on something.

Well for me that wasn’t good enough I was having these symptoms for a reason and now years later after many scans and chats to doctors a second lap 🙈 just hope they find something this time around.

I’m on the depo not had periods for nearly a year but still get all the other symptoms like you say.

Don’t give up though as we know our bodies and know when something isn’t right I’ve had many arguments with doctors as well about my symptoms xx

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to Lou93

Thank you so much! 😊 How have you found the depo? I've been on it for around 3/4 years, was great initially not so much now. I'm debating whether I've picked up an infection, I keep going between roasting hot and drenched in sweat to absolutely freezing cold needing two blankets. My incision site looks clean though. 🤔

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to RhiannonT

No problem it’s good to know it’s not just me going through it. Well I tried it years ago and didn’t suit me would bleed though it so only had 1 injection then came off it this time I’ve been on it 9 months and not had any bleeding but I don’t mind I’d rather I didn’t have one as they are that bad.

Hmm have you got a temperature? X

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to Lou93

Yes, good to know you're not alone. 😊 And no, I don't think I've got a temperature (not checked) but I can't stop going from freezing cold to roasting hot.

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to RhiannonT

It could be a sign of infection I would ring your gp and see what they say just to be on the safe side and yes I’ve read all sorts of posts on here it’s helpful to speak to people going through the same stuff as you x

RhiannonT profile image

I also had a Hysteroscopy, Cystoscopy and D&C in September last year as I have a lot of ongoing bladder issues, frequent urination, leakage, frequent UTIS. I've been waiting since September to see a consultant urologist and won't be seeing one till May. 😳😔 They found I had a narrow Urethra, but never mentioned any of this in the Laparoscopy. Would they of came across this in the Laparoscopy or not?

thepregnantpause profile image

No advice but think it's normal! I'm usually regular as clockwork and it took me 4 days after my lap.

I had the same result as you - they were looking for endo and immobile ovaries and found nothing, can they be wrong?

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to thepregnantpause

Glad to know others are in the same boat, 😊 I've heard lots of stories of people being told nothing was found and then years later being diagnosed with endo. I don't know what I'll do, I'll wait and see what the gynaecologist says (IF I get a follow up appointment), glad I went to see GP today, incision sight potentially infected, got a fever, now on two lots of antibiotics. Take care, hope you're feeling okay recovery wise. X

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