Hi there, my name is Megan and I’m a 22 year old uni student. I’m rather new to this group and it’s honestly so refreshing to read each of your stories and be able to relate.
I have been experiencing symptoms of what is suspected endo for around 7 years. It started with massively heavy, painful and frequent periods (every 2 weeks) which would be completely debilitating. I was put on the combined pill which I subsequently reacted to causing sickness and vomiting. After the GP found that I had significant amounts of oestrogen in my system and was adversely reacting to the extreme levels, I was switched to the progesterone only pill. For a while I had no other symptoms since my periods had stopped, caused by the pill. It wasn’t until sex became so painful that it forced the breakdown of my relationship that I realised I need help.
The doctors referred me for a scan which proved normal so a subsequent referral to gynae was done. Whilst waiting for the appointment, I was rushed into hospital with what they found to be a ruptured ovarian cyst. At my gynae appointment 3 months later, the consultant stated there was no need to go any further with investigations and discharged me with dilators for my diagnosis of ‘vaginismus’. 2 years down the line with endless pelvic pain and more excruciating sex, I decided I’d had enough. I went back to a new GP and after 3 ultrasound scans and one admission and discharge from hospital with another cyst, I am finally waiting for a laparoscopy.
However, in the past month, I have been experiencing bladder symptoms. My ever prominent pelvic pain is spreading into my bladder region and I frequently feel the urgency to pee, even when I have not drunk anything. Lower back pain is also proving extremely uncomfortable. I have no burning sensation or blood in my urine. Just feels like my bladder is being stretched and stamped on. Doctor think it’s a UTI/ kidney infection and has prescribed antibiotics but I just can’t shake the feeling that it's related to my other symptoms. Could this be possible or should I just accept that it is probably a UTI?
After 7 years, I’m starting to feel extremely fed up. I’m constantly tired and in pain and despite knowing that I will be having surgery, I’m worried that they won’t find anything and I’ll be back to square one.