Hi today I was told that I’m going to be put on the waiting list for laproscopic surgery with the benign team . I’m currently get cramps every time I move so I’m hoping waiting times are not to long. I live in Brighton does anyone know how long I may have to wait. Thank you
Laproscopic surgery waiting times - Endometriosis UK
Laproscopic surgery waiting times

Hi I know it depends on your area.
When I saw my consultant they put me on a 12 week list, however I was never offered surgery & went private in the end.
You can often chase up the medical secretaries, get the number from your GP surgery. I found that it depends who you speak to as to what information they will tell you lol x
It really depends on area... I was told 6 months waiting time but was given a date within 2wks which then got cancelled and I’m still waiting for another date....🙄
I'm in East Sussex and was told 8 months. Im looking into going private as I can't wait till then. I know you can ask to be put on the cancellations list incase a cancellation comes up. I think waiting times vary from place to place. Perhaps call the hospital in a couple of weeks and see if they have an approx waiting time and ask to be put on cancellations list aswell.
It’s different in every area. The patient care trust should be able to give you an idea. They’re part of the NHS.
I’m fortunate to have private cover with work. If it helps give a ballpark cost as I’ve seen the hospital bills. Consultant appointment was £190 and the surgery was £1400.
Thank you for your answer I will look into it.
I'm from Scotland so there is no point telling you our wait time however phone the Secretary and say you want to be considered for any cancellations. I was a 12 week wait time but got a cancellation
Hi there,
I'm sorry to hear your in so much pain. I think you could contact the operation waiting list number to see where you are on the list. Have they marked you as urgent? I'm which case they usually say that's 3-4 months. Let them know you can go in last minute of a cancellation comes up. Hope it comes soon for you.
Thank you so much for all your reply’s I’ve sponen to the admissions team today and they think I will be seen April time, I’ve also put myself in the cancellation list. Thank you for all your advice.