Since September I had been very bloated everyday and was in horrendous pain I then had the lap done at the beginning of November which they confirmed minimal endometriosis I thought after having this done the bloating would of gone down a bit but it just seems to of got worse and it's so uncomfortable all the time. I can't wear any nice clothes just leggings or trackies to feel comfortable it's reslly starting to get to me down now. I've tried hot water bottles, painkillers etc been to doctors and just seem to keep getting fobbed of I just don't know what else to do and was hoping for some advice. Will attach photo. Left photo before and second is after
Advice on bloating : Since September I had... - Endometriosis UK
Advice on bloating

Hi Xxlouise25xx
So sorry to hear you are in pain, unfortunately I have the same issues most of the month and have tried cutting out certain foods to help. Sometimes cutting out gluten helps the bloating to go down a bit and sometimes it has no effect but perhaps worth a try.
I now wear under the bump maternity jeans, skirts, leggings and maternity tops as they have the darts in them allowing for extra for stretch when I'm bloated and although not the most attractive they make me feel much more comfortable and less aware of it
Hope this helps x
Thank you I'm already gluten free as I have coeliac disease but I'm just so uncomfortable all the time. I look at pictures from August and I was skinny then but now I just look like a fat whale and it's getting me so down people tell me I look pregnant and I've had enough of it now. I'm so sorry you have the same thing as me to it's not a nice feeling at all x
Are you getting any treatment for the endo? Did they remove what was there? Did you have an MRI prior to the lap (it can see endo in the more hard to get at places)? Was the consultant on the list.
I've written quite a bit about Candida which is often the cause of bloating, most of it is in this post.
I had the endo removed when they done the lap. I only had a ultrasound when I got rushed into hospital in September. I will take a look at it x
You've probably already tried it, but I find that peppermint tea is basically the only thing that helps with bloating - I drink it pretty much constantly throughout the day, and it helps a bit xx