I’ve been on dineogest 4 months, the start was a rocky road but things settled June time, I was still having bleeding on and off several weeks but I felt soo much better. Now all of a sudden the symptoms I have if I have too many hormones have come on strong, I’m swollen no matter what I do, food sensitivity, uncomfortable, insomnia, brain fog, water retention, bad skin…. I just got rid of all this 😢 has anyone else had up and down symptoms on dineogest? Nothing has changed I’m still taking the same doseage but I was prescribed a different brand of the same medication?
dineogest & bloating!!: I’ve been on... - Endometriosis UK
dineogest & bloating!!

Hi Markie, sorry it happened to you. I have endo stage 4 so was prescribed that pill .I took it for a month only but had to stop because I had so much side effects. All my symptoms and more were so much worse ...the gyne presented that pill like it's paracetamol but it definitely not how my body took it! I was not pleased with them to say the least! best things I did was to stop it. I take herbal remedies to help with inflammation and I'm seeing a acupuncturist who's specialised in women's health. And I'm doing fine...no more pain, easy periods. I feel alive again. It's not all rosy, I still feel tired and bloated every now and then, but compared to what it was before, what an improvement.Do what feels right for you and good luck . xx
I‘ve been on dienogest for a year now and it‘s been great overall tbh. My symptoms definitely fluctuate but I always put it down to the endo flaring up more or less and not necessarily the pill? Particularly digestion & skin issues seem to come and go no matter what I do. Again, I always assumed it‘s the disease and not the pill but who knows really!
Hi Markie... this sounds very familiar. I had a bad start on it with multiple side effects, then everything settled, now nearly three months in I have all kinds of digestive issues along with having the chronic pain back... I haven't changed medication though. I am wondering if this is just another 'stage' to get through, but I am getting a bit fed up. No advice I am afraid, but sending empathy. Really hope you feel better soon.
Hi Markie, sorry to hear you’ve hit more bumps in your road. I’ve only been on it a month and initially thought it was the wonder drug as after a few days I got my tummy back, could fit in to my clothes after 12 months of increasingly severe bloating and pain and constant bleeding after having a new coil in for treating adenomyosis… but as the month has gone on all those usual symptoms have come back so I’m at the point of thinking I’ll stop and look to alternative options like acupuncture, lymphatic drainage… I always think you know you’re body better than anyone so trust your instincts! Taken me years to do this myself
I’ve been on dienogest for about a year now. It has helped with my periods but I have definitely noticed some side effects, including weight gain, bloating and excessive sweating. I guess it’s a toss up between these symptoms and my old symptoms and these are slightly more bearable. I will be raising this with my consultant to see if there are any alternatives or supplements that will help.
Hi there, I have been on Dienogest for a year - it was all good at the beginning, it helped with the pain, although not all of it but it did its job at stopping my period after 6 months of taking it and even if I still had PMS it was a lot less pain and trouble than without it. During this time, I definitely put on weight, I bloated like hell, but most importantly I slowly descended into pretty bad depression, I had terrible thoughts that I didn't recognise "as mine" and felt like I was getting mad (never really had mental health problems before), so I stopped it. I've been 10 days without it now, periods have come back, pain is settling back in, but I feel soooo much better mentally. These medications have different side effects on everyone, listen to your body and if it does not feel right, don't feel bad stopping them.