Hi all, I have my pre op on the 10th of December and cant for the life of me remember how long my last pre op took and what they went through.
Any tips on what i should ask etc.
Thank you all
Hi all, I have my pre op on the 10th of December and cant for the life of me remember how long my last pre op took and what they went through.
Any tips on what i should ask etc.
Thank you all
both mine took about 45 minutes.
they did blood tests (full blood counts), urine tests (pregnancy and any other conditions), height (for gowns), weight (for anaesthetic dose), swabs of crease between legs and bits (for mrsa). they'll confirm you know what you're op will be for and what the surgeon is planning on doing plus possible aftercare and length of stay. dietary requirements for meals, allergies to drugs / food etc. medical history including family conditions, previous ops, standard stuff. if you're on any medication - take that with you as they'll tell you what you do with it leading up to your op.
hope that helps xx
Thanks that is amazing ! My last op they did it in two stages so I had my bloods and swabs separate to the rest so just wondered if it would be different this time ! Lovely at least I know now what to kind of expect and questions I can ask.
How long after Pre op will the op be roughly or does it depend ?
I had my Pre Op yesterday, they did my blood pressure, weight, height first. Then I saw a different Nurse and she sat down and went through a lot of questions with me mainly medical history, she then spoke me through the operation day and exactly what would be happening and she discussed my aftercare we then discussed medication and I got to ask her questions (ask as many as you like ... I had a list with me
some questions I asked were will I have a locker? or can I wear a hair bobble? what if I'm on my period? just different things that may spring to mind that you want an answer to - don't feel like a question is silly ... they can't be any sillier than mine haha)
I then had to do the MRSA swabs in 2 places and she listened to my chest, I then had to do an electrocardiogram and then that was it!
I didn't have to have a blood test which was the part I was mainly worried about (I don't like needles) and I didn't have to do a urine test either ... sometimes I think it depends from person to person, I had an ECG at my pre-op but others might not have had that, I think it depends on your medical history and what they think is best for each individual I'm not 100% sure though it might just be certain hospitals do things differently to others
All in all, it took about an hour and 15 minutes but I asked a lot of questions !! This was NHS I'm just waiting for a date now D:
I hope this helps xx