Hi all,
I thought I'd share my experiences with trying CBD oil. If nothing else, I am a trier! I've been using bio identical progesterone cream for 8 weeks, with not a huge effect - some changes but not the ones I'm wanting really. Check my bio for more info on my story as I don't have 'typical endo' (if there is such a thing!).
I've been looking at CBD oil for a long time- probably about a year. My only hesitation has been that I wanted to get to the cause of my problems and not just mask things by relieving my symptoms (which has also been my issue with the medical approaches). But I've run out of ideas for trying to sort out the cause and I think I will need to go down a medical/surgical route (I meet with the endo specialist in 4 weeks). So, I've decided I shouldn't need to suffer and that's why I've turned to the CBD oil. I've really been struggling lately and was about to start the amytriptaline I'd been prescribed but then I thought, this would be a little less harsh on my body, with fewer side effects.
I've done a bit of research and found it all really fascinating. We've apparently all got a canabanoid system, which is involved in EVERYTHING the body does and when it's off, then everything's off. I've not researched it in depth as I'm trying to maintain some level of sanity amongst all this and I'm therefore not letting myself get pulled into a doctorate level amount of research! Instead, I'm just trying to read enough and stay sane. But it seems this system is connected to hormones- so if one's off, the other is too. It's maybe a chicken and egg situation as to which way it works but it seems worthwhile to try balance this canabanoid system. This is done by using canabanoids ie CBD oil (or other formats like vaping, edibles etc). I'm sure there's enough stuff in the media about this just now for most people to know that it's not illegal, it's not got the things in it that get you 'high' (THC) and it's not a drug. It's just an extract from the cannabis plant- the same way hemp is.
There are 2 main types of plants used to make CBD- sativa and indica. Sativa is more uplifting, stimulating- so good for low energy, depression and indica is more calming, so good for pain, sleep, anxiety. I have both low energy and pain, which causes poor sleep (I also have ptsd that I'm currently in treatment for) so I kind of need a bit of both but I felt the pain was probably the key thing to work on as it affects my sleep so much and therefore contributes to my fatigue. So I've started on a CBD oil that's from the indica type. I bought mine through a site I found called We Thrive- it's a small business but if you search 'we thrive cbd tea' it comes up. It was £35 for a bottle of 10% apparently it's best to start with a small dose, in a smaller percentage so to not flood the system.
I just started it last night and it was an easier night than usual. I was advised to have it about 45 mins before bed and again in the morning. Just one drop under the tongue of a 10% oil. I was advised it will take a few weeks to really see the full benefit and it's a bit of trial and error- with maybe needing to increase the dose each week by a drop if the effects aren't enough.
It's been a promising start- I definitely had a longer sleep than usual. Normally, my back pain is waking me up from about 5am and my sleep is really broken but I don't remember waking at all until I eventually got up at 9. I was sleepy when I woke up but not exhausted, like I usually am. My husband also said I seemed a lot more settled during the night (which made me wonder if I'm always waking him with my restlessness when I'm in pain?!). I took it again when I got up and felt fine to function and drive to my appointment. I did feel calmer, but in no way sedated or switched off- I went to my therapy appointment and had an hour of very intense trauma treatment that I fully engaged with.
Hopefully this will help me cope a bit better. I've been lucky enough to get tickets for Strictly at Blackpool this weekend and it's like a dream come true for me. I'm just so hopeful this will give me a bit of a boost so I can manage it.
I thought people may be interested in this- I know I found it hard to get info on the oil and couldn't find many people's experiences of it. Hopefully this helps. x