Positive pregnancy stories?: Hi all, so I... - Endometriosis UK

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Positive pregnancy stories?

KatieH27 profile image
19 Replies

Hi all, so I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis last April and also slight polycystic ovaries. I wondered how many people have got pregnant with this condition and how long it took you to get pregnant, I know everyone is different but I'm just looking for women to talk to who have the same condition as me as I don't know anyone who has it. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years and 4 months now, I'm 27 years old in April. We had our first round of IVF 3 months ago, I responded very well to the drugs but very sadly the embryo didn't stick. Really knocked me back, gutted! Just wondering how many of you are going threw the same heart ache and how to cope really? Is there anyone out there that hasn't got pregnant with endometriosis?

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KatieH27 profile image
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19 Replies
xxanisaxx profile image

hi katieh27, Im pretty much in the same boat.. Im 27, turning 28 in April. Wev been trying for 2 1/2 years and I just had a laparoscopy 2 weeks ago ( day 2 of my men cycle) to remove stage 4 endometriosis and chocolate cysts. It went well and my gaen advised we can start trying for a baby after 2 weeks as Id be ovulating then as well. So im currently trying and hopeful... I guess Ill find out in a few weeks. Doc said 2-3 months it should happen if not sooner.. so lets see. x

KatieH27 profile image
KatieH27 in reply to xxanisaxx

Hi xxanisaxx, I also had laprascopy last April but obviously it hasn't helped me conceive naturally yet, my periods and the pain got better for a couple of months and then went back to being really painful so that's when my gaen said we should go for ivf, really really hope you get positive results from it though! I have recently started acupuncture and it has really helped my periods so I'm going to keep going with that and see what happens :) wish you all the luck in the world x

xxanisaxx profile image
xxanisaxx in reply to KatieH27

its not easy going through all this but hope it works out for you! most important thing is youre not alone and were here to support each other :)

sanchia46 profile image

The good thing is you have time on your side. So do try again

Hi Katie,

I always thought that people with Endo and PCOS getting pregnant naturally were an urban myth.. my mum used to tell me that "a friend of a friends aunts, husbands hairdresser had just had twins and she has what you have.... "

But I have to say, I had surgery to remove adhesions in October 2015 after years of pain and not falling pregnant... I met my now husband in April 2016 and I gained 2 stone just being happy and I kind of forgot about children for a while and by the October I was pregnant with my little miracle.

I never had to go through IVF and I so I cant help with any advice there but I 100% put my little Livy being here down to me just finding happiness.

That is probably the most useless advise you will be given (I was given all that sh1t while I was struggling ) but I just wanted to say that it can happen... I became the urban myth I never believed.

Oh and I was 37 when I fell pregnant.. I honestly thought it was not going to happen for me.

I am sending you lots of love and hope that you get your good news soon.



KatieH27 profile image
KatieH27 in reply to RebeccaFarnham1604

Hey thankyou for your reply. Wow so happy you got your little miracle in the end! I have come to that now though that I am trying my hardest to try and 'forget about it' and move on and be happy and as you say that's probably the best thing for me to do as I've been so upset and so stressed out about it I know it doesn't help it's just easier said than done isn't it! Hopefully it will happen once I've chilled out a little. Thankyou x

Rai78 profile image

I was diagnosed with endo at 19 and had laparoscopic treatment. I was put on steroids for six months due to a benign tumour on my pituitary gland at the same time and didn’t have a period for 18 months. I then fell pregnant (not planned) at 21 after thinking I’d be unable to have children. I’ve had three children and one miscarriage, all naturally conceived. I’m now 39 and the endo is back with a vengeance but pregnancy with endo does happen. I do of course realise how extremely lucky I’ve been. I wish you all the best and hope things turn a positive corner soon.

KatieH27 profile image
KatieH27 in reply to Rai78

That's great you are very very lucky! Lovely story! It's nice to hear! Thankyou very much! Fingers crossed!

Bdgjdjd profile image
Bdgjdjd in reply to Rai78

Did you what stage did you have ?!

KatieH27 profile image
KatieH27 in reply to Bdgjdjd

I don't actually know what stage of endo I have, they didn't tell me, they just shown me pictures of what they'd taken and said it was severe. I'm currently doing my FET! I'm very excited, I've been having acupuncture since January and it's been a miracle for my endo pain! I have no pain at all now! I'm due to have my transfer Thursday! :)

AJJ123 profile image

I got pregnant before my diagnosis 6 years ago. Never managed to conceive again - not yet anyway xx

KatieH27 profile image
KatieH27 in reply to AJJ123

Good luck to you xx

LexiiH17 profile image


I have struggled with endo for years now. Probably since I was a young teenager. And finally got an official diagnosis after my lap in September 2017.

I am now 20 weeks pregnant! I had my lap middle of September and fell pregnant end of October/early November.

After struggling for some time and having miscarriages it’s been a rough journey. But it is possible.

We were just about to start clomid, I had taken the tablets to bring on my period, and for ‘some’ reason my period didn’t arrive. So I did a test just to make sure and low and behold two lines on the test! Miracle baby.

It’s a hard and sometimes long journey, but don’t lose sight of hope. And keep asking for help of your medical team and friends and family xx

KatieH27 profile image
KatieH27 in reply to LexiiH17

Thankyou very much. It is so hard to stay positive isn't it when it's all you want out of life. I do really hope it happens to me one day! So lovely you got your little miracle xx

LexiiH17 profile image
LexiiH17 in reply to KatieH27

It is hard. And honestly some days it will feel like you can’t go on. But you can!

KatieH27 profile image
KatieH27 in reply to LexiiH17

I've felt like that so many times. Having a negative pregnancy test after our first ivf which went so perfectly really really affected me but I'm pulling myself back together now and staying positive so fingers crossed x

Kirst_Don profile image

Hi Katie

I have severe stage 4 Endo I had a lap in July 2016 which didn’t make much difference so the only option for me was IVF which I started in December 2016. After only having 1 embryo and the consultant thinking it was going so work I luckily had a successful pregnancy my little one is now 7 months. It was the lowest point in my life thinking I would never get the chance to be a mum. My advice would be to stay positive there are lots of options for you to try xx

KatieH27 profile image

Wow that's amazing! I had 5 embryos get to day 5 blastocyst stage and the one they transferred was hatching so everything went so perfect so I really don't know what happened! Xx

Sarahxnxhannah16 profile image

Hi, I have stage 4 endo, a bicornurate uterus, pcos and hypothyroidism and I have 3 beautiful babies, with my 1st I tried for 1 yr b4 being refered to a fertility Dr, who told me my ovulation levels were way down at 0.2 for the slightest chance of falling pregnant u have to b 30 or above, had a lap and diagnosed with endo, was put on Clomid and after 7 rounds my levels jumped to 72 and I fell pregnant with my daughter Hannah, my 2nd was 5 years later bk seeing fertility and was back on Clomid taken off after 1st round as my antibodies were thru roof was put on thyroid meds in April and by June I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter Leah, 1 yr later no plans for another just moved to our new home in the March then in April I was pregnant no planning or trying I fell pregnant naturally with my son Noah, I'm now scheduled in tomorrow for a hysterectomy my endo specialist Dr says it's a miracle I have 1 baby never mind 3 everything I have wrong makes it hard to fall pregnant on its own then if u put all 4 together he says it's almost impossible. Good luck xx

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