Trying for a baby after diagnosis - Endometriosis UK

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Trying for a baby after diagnosis

Sarahdee2017 profile image
2 Replies

Hi all,

I've not posted here for a while now as I'm guilty of only posting when I need advice rather than to give advice, I need to stop that!

I was diagnosed 2 years ago with endo and immediately had the mirena coil in and all my symptoms disappeared and were like that for just over a year and a half then the last few months came back like they'd never gone away, it was as if the coil had run out. So I was at a point where do I have a new one put it or see how am I without anything as my clocks ticking for any more babies, so we decided to have it removed and start trying to conceive.

The removal was fine little light spotting and a few minor cramps, then the worst period known to man (bear in mind I hadn't had any in 2 years) the amount of blood and mood swings were too much to bear. Anyway my periods seem quite regular with is unusual for me anyway so that's a good start, I have very painful periods but nothing like before diagnosis so I can live with it.

I just wanted some advice really if conceiving with endo and if there's anything I should be doing to (apart from the deed itself) to try and heighten our chances. Or if anyone with endo conceived and roughly how long?

Thanks in advance for reading this ☺️


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2 Replies
hellybaybee profile image

Depends how bad the endo is, whether you have adenomyosis and how bad that is, whether you tubes are affected etc etc - sometimes if these things aren’t too bad it’s just doesn’t happen. When I had a consultation I was given two options: the coil or have endo removed and start a ivf. I suggest you try for a year and go to your gp.

luthien profile image

endo can have an effect on fertility depending on where it is around your uterus / fallopian tubes / ovaries. It may be an idea to go to a fertility clinic to get both you an your partner checked - yes men do have problems too. I'm having my second lap to remove endo off my bowl and have asked if they can check physically that all my tubes etc are okay.

Look into your diet and match up what vitamins etc you need to improve your fertility and help endo symptoms - I have found "Endometriosis: A Key to Healing Through Nutrition" to be the most insightful book as to what we nutrition we need to cope with endo symptoms like pain etc, it has a large section on fertility and diet too. I think it's on amazon, possibly kindle but not sure.

It can take longer for endo sufferers to conceive, the time is dependent on the women, their age, their diet, their weight, other factors such as smoking, drinking etc, the coil or any hormones stop cycles so it can take the body time to come back to normal cycles with ovulation - do you have an app? I have been using naturalcycles, it uses a combination of basal body temp (2 decimal places) and ovulation test (LH test sticks) to plan out your cycles. It costs a bit but it's better than the free apps as you'll have access to their help, their assistance with regard to your cycles, it calculates cycles specific to you rather than an average cycle (it takes a few months but that's expected), it has a plan / prevent pregnancy switch (can be changed whenever and any number of times) and gives you more fertile days than any other tests because it knows your cycles, you have access to upload your data to their version of the cloud meaning you can have it on multiple devices and your partner can sign in to see it on their phone too, you can save data offline (for hols etc) and it'll upload and plan your cycle when you're back online. There are success stories you can look up :)

Have you had any endo removed via a laparoscopy? Having most of it removed will significantly increase the chance of conception as the endo wont mess up your cycles. A thought if you haven't had any removed before conception: endo doesn't go with pregnancy, and can be worse afterwards, would you be able to cope with the current level of pain or severe symptoms during pregnancy and after with a child? I didn't mean to scare you, just being honest

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