Hysterscopy/Mirena?: So I had my first... - Endometriosis UK

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11 Replies

So I had my first gynaecology appointment today. I mentioned all my symptoms and he wrote everything down. He then tried to do an exam with the speculum (like having a smear test), but the pain was horrendous. So he had to stop. He then said he wants to do a hysteroscopy and put the mirena coil in at the same time. I do NOT want the coil. And I understand a hysteroscopy is far less risky than a laparoscopy but my GP along with many others think I have endometriosis as do I. The only way to diagnose is through laparoscopy obviously. He said he doesn't want to do anything too risky too quickly especially as 'i've not had kids yet'. Having kids isn't my priority right now, my priority is getting better. 😔😣 I'm sort of at a loss now and feel quite annoyed. Any advice? X

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11 Replies
Catness profile image

Get a second opinion. You need a lap to know what’s going on and I would be wary of gynae who said it was ‘too risky’ as you’ve not had kids yet. Any endo specialist worth their salt would not say this. You need to know if it’s endo *especially* if you did want kids to make sure your fertility is not being compromised.

Was your appointment at a specialist endo centre?

FYI I have the coil and absolutely love it but if you don’t want it, and didn’t feel listened to, again I would get a second opinion xx

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to Catness

Nope. Just a general gynaecologist. I was wondering about a second opinion xxx

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to Catness

I'm thinking it's maybe because he never managed to do an exam today? He just wants to double check things first incase there's something they can treat without doing laparoscopy. He kept saying he needs to be able to see my womb etc before he does anything else. Xx

Catness profile image
Catness in reply to RhiannonT

I’m not medically trained but that simply isn’t true. I have vaginismus and consequently cannot have internal exams whilst awake. I’m currently under the care of one of the best endo surgeons in this country who, because of how painful I find them, has not once done an internal and instead opted for a diagnostic lap followed by a lap to treat the endo he found.

I hope I don’t come across as preachy and I’m sorry if I do it just makes me so cross when women are messed about by people who don’t have enough experience treating endo 😬😬 xxx

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to Catness

No no I understand. Thank you for your advice. I'm going to see my GP tomorrow and ask for a second opinion/re-refferal. Honestly can't understand why I need a hysteroscopy 😂😂 xx

Catness profile image
Catness in reply to RhiannonT

Ask to be referred to a specialist endo centre - if you go on this website you will find the one in your area - bsge.org.uk/centre/

I really hope it goes well tomorrow xxxx

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to Catness

Thanks lovely. My nearest one is Edinburgh which is quite a way away but it'll be worth it to get proper treatment xxx

RhiannonT profile image
RhiannonT in reply to Catness

My GP was visiting nursing homes all day yesterday and was off today, so I've got an appointment with her tomorrow now. I'm going to ask her stance on all that went on at my Gynaecology appointment on Sunday. I'm sorry but I've been thinking about it more since then and I honestly don't think he addressed things properly. Why ask if endo runs in my family (my grandmother had it), then NOT agree to do the laparoscopy based on all my symptoms?! I think he's offered the coil and hysteroscopy so he can avoid doing the laparoscopy or refer me to an endo centre. I have high white cell count, as well as low folic- even more of a reason to do the lap IMO. I've had lots of time to reflect on this appointment since Sunday and I'm so disappointed. My GP is happy for me to stay on Depo (I know it's not supposed to be used long term UNLESS other options haven't worked, which they haven't). But this gynaecologist told me to come off it, with no real reasons behind why. I'm so frustrated. 😤☹️ Xx

Lostintransit profile image
Lostintransit in reply to Catness

Perfect answer! I just wish I had your specialist. 😤

RhiannonT profile image

Saw my GP today. She agrees the coil is definitely NOT the way to go. She thinks (and I agree), I should stay on the Depo Injection atm, at least until all the investigations/tests etc are over. I've got enough going on without having to worry about what effects stopping the depo may have. I know it can lead to osteoporosis, but she's going to contact the hospital to see if I should have a bone density scan just now just to check on things. Regards the hysteroscopy, she can understand why he's doing it. She says once he's done that if nothing flags up he will probably then do a laparoscopy. Xx

RhiannonT profile image

Hi all. Quick update for those of you who've been kind enough to reply to this post in the past. I saw a new gynaecologist on Christmas eve. He couldn't understand why the first gynaecologist didn't look at my pelvis with a camera. He also said in his opinion I should stay on the depo injection atm as its helping more than any other method - the first gynaecologist I saw was of the opposite opinion. He also said he doubts its endometriosis as I don't get my periods anymore but I know you can still have endo WITHOUT periods. He then said it could be endometriosis and explained all about it. He's put me on the waiting list for a diagnostic laparoscopy and has said he will burn any adhesions he finds. WTF how am I supposed to feel about that appointment?! Help. :(

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