So the warm weather is still here so I'm having to wear a dress today when I'd usually wear loose jeans and a baggy tshirt, I start a new course today and I honestly look 5 months pregnant so I'm not looking forward to people asking when I'm due. Might save us both the embarrassment and just say September 😂 anyone else have this problem? x
Bloating! The joys of looking pregnant... - Endometriosis UK
Bloating! The joys of looking pregnant...

Yes! It's actually the thing I dread most. No one has ever actually asked me and my husband says it's not as bad as I think but I think I look pregnant. I don't get it as bad as I used to, I'd have to remove all my lower half clothes as I would suddenly become massive. It happened in work once and is sitting in my office with my skirt and tights rolled down under my bloated tummy just praying that no one would come to my office! It was awful. I used to take photos of myself as it was so ridiculous. It would calm back down again in a day or 2 and the photos looked like the before and after of some amazingly effective diet! 😂
I really hope yours calms down soon. And if anyone does ask, milk it for all you can... Get them to give you their seat, some cake, a back rub... Whatever you can get! Xx
I was doing an exam and was desperate for a pee, when I stood up I looked like I was about to pop 😂 I'm sure they thought I'd given birth in the loos lol x
😂😂😂 Oh when I've a full bladder it's ridiculous! Maybe we're really missing a trick here by not messing with people with this and my stuff out of it?! 😂
I hope your exam went well.
OMG I know the feeling haha. I’m on my period atm so my bloating is 10x worse. I look pregnant and I get weird looks as I’m 19 haha. It’s definitely knocked my self esteem as I used to be a slim size 8/10 and now I’m a size 12/14 due to bloating and can’t wear nice crop tops anymore when it’s hot. Xx