Bloating with endometriosis : I was... - Endometriosis UK

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Bloating with endometriosis

Xxlouise25xx profile image
16 Replies

I was diagnosed in 2018 and I feel things are getting worse again when I'm in a flare up the bloating so bad that I'm in so much pain and when I'm bloated can be like this for a while to point it gets me so down. Do I speak to my doctor again about this although everytime I do ask I always get fobbed of so should I maybe speak to a different one ? I spoke to a man doctor last time and was told I never was diagnosed with endometriosis when on my letter its clearly states that endo was found. Sorry girls just looking for a bit of advice and hope you can help.

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Xxlouise25xx profile image
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16 Replies
AdeleG4192 profile image

Hi, ive suffered with endo related bloating for years. I recently started taking a probiotic supplement to try and improve my gut health and my bloating has really reduced. Im not bursting out if my clothes anymore!

Its a really awful symptom of endo, very uncomfortable and i know it does get u down.

Xxlouise25xx profile image
Xxlouise25xx in reply to AdeleG4192

May I ask what probiotic you are using? And it really is a horrible symptom of endo I can be bloated for weeks on end when a flare up starts but the pain is just to much

AdeleG4192 profile image
AdeleG4192 in reply to Xxlouise25xx

I just got the one from Lindens, but have a read up on them, see what u think 👍🏻

AdeleG4192 profile image
AdeleG4192 in reply to AdeleG4192

Its the Pro Billion Daily one x

AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi yes I would definitely change your GP, if you were diagnosed with endometriosis and your current GP doesn’t seem to know you have then I would be worried. There are good male and female GPS out there, I had to see a few before I got the best treatment. You deserve better care and advice on medication etc ……

What meds are you on to help?

I get so bloated too, it’s uncomfortable and my clothes down sit right, I take water tablets sometimes and they help. I got them on prescription.


Lsdygreen profile image

Hun I think its time to try a natural supplements and completely go meat Free . Gps in the uk don't have much knowledge on endometriosis I had to travel to France -Strasbourg to meet a special gynea he told me to change my DIET and CUT OFF MEAT TOTALY CUT OFF ALL GMO PRODUCTS GO PLANT BASED and look at herbs .Pine bark also known as Pycnogenol is great for endometriosis with sea buckthorn ,turmeric, milk thistle and nattokinase all can be found on Holland and barrets website .my endometriosis is under control no more stomach pains phe

Hannah962 profile image
Hannah962 in reply to Lsdygreen

I'm yet to be diagnosed but My gp is brilliant, she told me to live as if I do have it and try and alter my diet 1st to see if it eases the symptoms and it did... As soon as I cut out meat my symptoms became manageable x

Greys90 profile image
Greys90 in reply to Lsdygreen

Hello I am very interested in hearing more about the herbs you have been taking. Could you tell me how they have helped and what they do? Thank you so much in advance.

Reethi19 profile image

Hi, I am having exactly the same problem and really struggling with it. I have been keeping a food diary in the hope that my GP is less likely to fob me off. Can I ask if your bloating is also usually accompanied by bleeding and constipation? I realise as I ask this we are all different so maybe not. Could you ask your Gp to refer you to a specialist endometriosis service? I tried cutting out gluten which worked quite well for a while but now it flares up on a weekly basis even if I don’t have gluten. I have tried different probiotics and vitamins but experienced heartburn. Good luck, I hope you find some relief, let us know what happens if you want to share xx

Xxlouise25xx profile image
Xxlouise25xx in reply to Reethi19

Im so sorry you are going through this to its not very nice is it ? And I've already cut gluten out of my diet as I have coeliac disease. Tbh sometimes I do get constipation but this case im not. I think im going to have to speak to my doctor again.

Hannah962 profile image

Cutting out neat from your diet significantly helps too x

635703 profile image

For Endo belly it’s looking after your gut health and mental health. As they are connected.

Lifestyle changes such as nutrition, excercise, supplements, good sleep hygiene, self advocacy, maybe an SSRI anti depressant, drinking lots of water.

Google This Endo Life - lots of information on there and their Instagram reels (the testimony ones) are excellent!! Shows what’s possible and any hope is what we all need at various point in our journey.

Sorry, for the info overload…’s a huge learning curve for me right now. But this Instagram account is a great place to start learning excellent ways to manage your own body.

Not all Medical Drs are excellent and even if they are….the NHS system is broken.

Avoid disappointment and DIY and get ahead of them and have tools to know what to do when you feel blurgh 🤩💗

Washington1 profile image

I used to get very bloated, but due to other symptoms and illness ended up doing an anti candida diet for a few years (look up gut dysbiosis). It didn't sort out all the pain, but it did get rid of the bloating. I have found you get what you pay for with probiotics. I tend to use ones like "Optibac extra strength" or Nutri Advanced do some good ones. There is also research out on a certain strain of Lactobacillus Gasseri being good for women with endometriosis. The NHS is highly unlikely to help you with these things. They are wonderful at emergencies, but are way behind many countries on some of these other issues. I had my appendix removed when I was younger, which they deemed to be unimportant, but have now found over one hundred mechanisms that the appendix is involved with, including the sorting out of gut bacteria, so probiotics are an essential for me. If you've been going gluten free for some time, could it be possible you have more sugar in your system? I'm just asking as when I tried going gluten free for a while, I found a lot of the gluten free stuff was loaded with sugar. And too much sugar can cause some bloating. There is hope with this stuff though. A few tweaks to diet and some decent probiotics and you could really feel the difference. Hope you find the answers you need soon and hope something I've mentioned might help xx

635703 profile image
635703 in reply to Washington1

Excellent info! Love this response - super helpful x

Mdunc profile image

I ask my doctors about this every time I have an appointment and every time I get told 'bloating isn't related / a part of endometriosis' it's soo frustrating!At my last appointment I was told 'everyone bloats'

I'm on new anti inflammatory tablets and try to drink herbal tea but not found anything that really works

635703 profile image
635703 in reply to Mdunc

That Dr is wrong - Endo belly is a thing and there’s stuff you can do to help it. The NHS is in the dark ages! It’s broken and it does it’s best!

I often wonder if they can’t tell us stuff because of cost or the time it takes. Heartbreaking 💔 for the good Drs and quite stressful too.

We have to just do what we can to advocate for ourselves here! Empower ourselves to do what’s best for our bodies because health is everything - it’s hard when you don’t feel good isn’t it!

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