Hey guys just needed to rant to someone who understands, so upset right now today is a really bad day for me I can’t eat or drink anything without making the pain worse and makes me sick no one on my family seems to understand how I am so upsetting they makes me feel insane and an attention seeker and I’m not I’m in so much pain :’( just wish I could make them understand.
Rant!: Hey guys just needed to rant to... - Endometriosis UK

Hi Peyten. Sorry to here you are having such a rough time and you feel that your family doesn't understand. It took a while for my family to understand some that don't live with me especially still don't fully get it but after them seeing me unable to walk, crawling to the bathroom, being unable to get in and out of the bath, vomiting (you know the rest of the lovely symptoms) time after time they started to understand a bit more. However for the ones who had a bit more trouble, initially I found stuff that other people had written about endometriosis so they saw it from someone else point of view. I then wrote a poem and made it public which got a lot of response from fellow Endo sufferers and I think that made them think "well if other people agree it must be bad and not her exaggerating".
Here is a good link I showed my brother when he told me to stop being mard last week 😂... facebook.com/HeidiXavierRya...
I will also try and find the poem that you could maybe share with them if you relate to it.
Hope your symptoms start to ease off soon and your family starts to understand. Take care x
Sorry I can't upload it to this post but if you search
"Poem I wrote expressing how Endometriosis makes me feel! Nervous sharing it but needed to get it off my chest 👇👊💛"
on here it should come up x
Hi Peyten,
I hope your feeling better. I totally can relate to that feeling. I have bad endo pain which comes on every 2 weeks and a with that a bad back nearly everyday. During my period I am in so much pain that I cannot feed myself because I cant get up. My family have seen me like this ever since my periods started and they know I have endo but they just dont seem to care. I am totally disregarded and I have to find the will to get up and look after myself. It can be very frustrating and it makes me angry tbh it seems like noone cares. xx
Exactly you just want someone to understand but they wont until thwy experience it themselves 😐. xx