Hi all,
I just found this forum and so far have found it super helpful. Has anyone every experienced what I have (I’ll list them now)
-Light period but pain so severe it makes me cry and feel sick
-Super irregular periods
-Cramps everyday of my cycle
-Worsened pain after eating
-No period since the 19th May, (neg preg tests)
-Passing Black stringey tissue
-Super bloated belly
-Agony during sex deep in my stomach
I’m relatively new to endo and ovbs haven’t had the operation yet to determine it 100%, but the doctors have put down my symptoms to it and they don’t seem to be helping very much tbh. I’ve been to A&E 3 times in the last month which is embarrassing because it’s my place of work. Two female doctors were so understanding and the last male doctor made me cry and said he doesn’t understand why 111 keep sending me back there.
I feel at total loss, I feel so uncomfortable 24/7 and in so much pain. Nothing helps, no pain relief and I feel like people think I’m over reacting. I think I’m going to be on the list for the op for a very long time and I don’t know what to do in the meantime😓
Thanks all, hope you can guide me, -J