Nausea and vomiting after eating 😣☹️ - Endometriosis UK

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Nausea and vomiting after eating 😣☹️

harrietkatie profile image
4 Replies

I didn’t really know where else to post ladies!!

Had my endo surgery early feb and symptoms are slightly better but still pain during sex which is a right annoyance :(

Since probably the beginning of this year, I started feeling slightly nauseous after eating...

Fast forward and I now am throwing up after eating or my nausea is so bad I can’t do anything!! Luckily I work at a school and I am on half term right now because it’s so bad today, I have booked a dr app for 3.10...

I also have unusual bowel habits, constipation and they are like rabbit droppings 😳 tmi sorry. And I sometimes have to use glycerin suppositories to help clear my bowel.

Apart from that I feel okay! No temperature etc I am anemic so I take iron tablets and I also take lymecycline for spots!

But there symptoms began before taking those.

Any ideas?? Anyone else ever suffered? It really is starting to affect my life now, I don’t want to go out etc because of it! X

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4 Replies
Catness profile image

How do you take your lymecycline? I used to take that and it made me feel very unwell, could this be the cause of your issues?

Do you take pain killers too (such as codeine). When I was first prescribed pain killers I was also on iron tablets and they had neglected to tell me that a combination of the two cause very bad constipation. I would sit on the loo and dread it as it was so uncomfortable and painful.

Perhaps consider getting some Laxido which is a stool softener you can mix in your drink? I ask my GP for it. Taking a probiotic too may also help your stomach as the long term antibiotics for your skin may be messing with your digestion a wee bit. Perhaps actimel if you like the drunk or acidophilus is a tablet form of cultured bacteria.

My (un-educated non-medical) guess would be that the nausea is a result of your skin tablets, speaking from experience, and perhaps working on your gut health would really help. Also looking into the endo diet may be a useful suggestion too :) xxx

luthien profile image

Aww, oh dear :(

The pain during sex could be due to your irritated stomach / bowel rather than endo or a combination. So as your digestive system is the problem it's best to look at sorting that for the moment.

Have a look at your spot medication and the side effects; if you match some of those it could be that. I've no experience with spot medications. However usually spots are either hormonal or diet; I had spots right up until 5 years ago when stopped the pill (still had spots when on it for 10 years) I cut out dairy and reduce wheat, spots went within 6 weeks even though docs said I needed tablets. I use soap free face wash, none of the spot eliminating stuff, tea tree oil although stinks is great at drying them out too if you want to treat them each evening and morning.

Look up skin problems relating to diet, if it doesn't get rid of the spots it may help your endo and make you feel generally healthier.

I know iron supplements cause constipation, I have low iron and I find that increasing my iron intake naturally with more iron rich foods along with B12 helps the constipation side and gut movement.

You'll need more fibre in your diet to combat the constipation so more fruits or you can get chewable natural fibre tablets. Aloe juice or tablets also help with stomach movement.

I agree with Catness, you probably need some prebiotics, but I wouldn't get the drinks or little bottles, or tablets, they tend to be full of sugar to keep the shelf life, get the natural yoghurt, look for "natural live", you can add jam to it if it's too sour! It may be too much information but it works well directly on your *ahem* and inside :O for thrush or itchiness due to the natural bacteria in it and the pH - the grandmas cure lol!!

Hope you find some relief :)

Bowel, stomach and digestive problems linked to endometriosis have been the blight of my life. You sound like I've been off and on for years and years. In fact, I was fobbed off by doctors who said I'd just got IBS.

You should go back to your GP and see an endometriosis specialist. At one point I could hardly eat anything without feeling sick or getting stomach pain so bad I needed to lie down.

From my own experience, I really think you sound just like me and have a bad case of endometriosis.

Good luck! This isn't normal and needs investigation.

ps currently I'm been prescribed Gaviscon Advance aniseed flavour liquid and also Lactulose when needed. (In addition to my endometriosis medications.

Perhaps I should add that severe digestive symptoms were horrendous and gynaecological problems weren't suspected or linked even though I had horrible periods and with hindsight clearly did have serious endometriosis.

I hope this helps even if it turns out not to be the case. At least you'll know it could be!

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