Vomiting daily any advice?: Hi everyone, I... - Endometriosis UK

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Vomiting daily any advice?

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
32 Replies

Hi everyone,

I’m currently going through one of the worst flare ups I have ever had, 3 months of non stop pain and vomiting every day, I’ve been in and out of hospital for the duration. The vomiting has improved from what it was (around 15-20 times a day) now down to just once or twice daily but I’m really struggling and I don’t know how to make it stop! I’ve been in touch with my consultant who hasn’t been much help so I just wondered if anyone has any advice on what I could do or has been through something similar? I’m losing weight fast and my mental health has taken a big hit :( sorry for the long post xx

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GoldenGirl2002 profile image
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32 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi this sounds so awful for you, no wonder you are losing weight and your mental heath is suffering. Only thing I could suggest is can you call your own doctor, like mine, she knows me better than any consultant. Your GP can offer advice or get in touch with the gynaecology department.

I really hope you start to feel better soon x

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thank you, I really am struggling and I feel like I’m a burden to doctors with constant pestering as it isn’t getting better! I tend to find the GP is a bit scared to say anything that might interfere with my consultant plan but I’ll give it a go xx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to GoldenGirl2002

Personally I would change my GP as you need so much support with this illness. I was once constantly at the doctors, they must have been sick of me, but then I was genuinely ill. I only think you are a pain to the doctor if you are a hypochondriac x

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thank you so much, I needed to hear that! I’ll get onto it if it carries on x

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to GoldenGirl2002


MrsMarlene profile image

For nausea I drink ginger tea, eat ginger biscuits and Fox's glacier mints. I've also heard drinking Schweps Lemonade can settle your stomach. I try to stick to a very bland diet on my worst days as it helps.

I would ask your GP for advice as they can also offer anti sickness medication. I hope you find something that helps xx


GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to MrsMarlene

Thank you, I’ll give these a try! Anything that might help xx

Whoisthis profile image

You poor thing,, I second the ginger nuts, also flat coke and flat lemonade these help keep your sugar levels up, please call a GP and get some anti sickness drugs to try and settle you, then they can look at the underlaying issue that’s causing this awful spike in pain.

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to Whoisthis

I’ve tried a range of the anti sickness but I’ll see if there’s any more on offer and I’ll give the ginger a go- thank you so much for your sympathy and advice xx

Whoisthis profile image
Whoisthis in reply to GoldenGirl2002

Do you have surgery booked?

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to Whoisthis

I had a laparoscopy a couple of weeks ago mid flare up but my consultant told me that to remove the Endo would involve cutting me open and a massive procedure, so I had a consult with a private consultant who said he could do it keyhole so I think I’m going to go with that I’m at my wits end!

Whoisthis profile image
Whoisthis in reply to GoldenGirl2002

Oh my goodness you’ve dodged a bullet, who does open surgery.

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to Whoisthis

I know I thought it was really extreme I was terrified, I feel like every time I present with a problem they don’t want to deal with it and give me the most extreme options to put me off!

MrsMarlene profile image
MrsMarlene in reply to GoldenGirl2002

I drink Twinings Spiced Ginger tea every morning. I found it an instant relief from the first time I tried it!

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to MrsMarlene

I’m open to anything, I’ve tried green teas but maybe the ginger will help!

Emmarussell profile image

Hi there I get sickness with flare ups too I take a stomach acid settle and cyclizine a sickness tablet prescribed by the doctor. Bless you many healing hugs to you xxx

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to Emmarussell

Thank you so much xxx

Daisychain222 profile image

You poor girl. Are you taking anything for pain, and if so, what is it? Many times the anti inflammatory medications can cause nausea and vomiting and should be taken with something to coat your stomach. My endo was always so severe that I had to have a fairly long incision during surgery. Please do not ever feel that you are a burden ...... doctors get paid to take care of their patients . You may need to find a female GP and an OB/GYN that specializes in Endo. I hope you can get the help you deserve 💕

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to Daisychain222

Thank you, I take paracetamol and diclofenac suppositories and codeine when I need it and I take a prescribed anti acid, thank you so much for your kindness xx

Lizzymcn profile image

I take stomach lining tablet, which reduce nausea, and then try to stick to a mostly liquid diet of clear soups, tea and dry crackers for a few days to let my system have time to recover. I have never had vomiting for such a long period, my comes when I have a blocked bowel. I would definitely push with my GP to get this under control.

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to Lizzymcn

Thank you, this is really good to know and I will speak to my GP, and try a plainer diet to see if this helps xx

Missy100 profile image

Hi GoldenGirl2002,

You certainly are suffering!

Nausea suggestions: for a medictation approach you could try travel meds/motion sickness tablets. They should be available via a pharmacy. Non medication, try travel bands/nausea braclets. They go by a few different names. They are for migraines but I find Kool n Soothe migraine patches also help with nausea. They can be found at most pharmacy and pharmacy departments in major grocery stores. If you are unfamiliar, they are a gel sheet that you apply to your forehead or back of your next. Once activated, on use, they turn cold. They also have a minty scent that can help with nausea.

Pain: If meds alone are not helping you can try a tens machine (I found it helpful initially in the early stages of my pain development but used it so much it grew to be ineffective). You can pick one up relatively cheaply. I think mine was maybe £15 at Lloyds Pharmacy and I bought replacement pads in bulk via Amazon. Alternatively a heat source like stick on heat pads (from a pharmacy or pharmacy section at the grocery store) if you need to be on your feet while using it, or microwave heat bags/hot water bottles. Even through summer I've been using my microwave heat bags. My preference is flaxseed as I find they retain their heat well and mould comfortably to the body. I get mine off a seller on Etsy who offers a range of shapes and sizes. My favourite is a flat one sewn into sections so the heat stays evenly distributed.

As you are vomiting so often have you been passing any stools? If not, you could potentially have a bowel blockage, especially if one of your ongoing symptoms is constipation. That is something that needs a doctor's help to resolve.

Don't forget to be rehydrating with full sugar sports drinks and/or dehydration treatment from a pharmacy.

Whatever the reason for your significant nausea and vomiting, it needs looking into and a solution. Dehydration is a definite danger, as well as the damage the acid will be doing to your throat and teeth. I'd push for a second opinion. If you have difficulty being pushy see if a friend or family member can speak up for you. Your GP should be offering you solutions to treat the symptoms while getting to the bottom of the cause. If you are getting no joy from your gynaecologist ask for to be referred for a second opinion. Just be warned that you may end up with further delays with wait times in changing gynaecology teams, especially with Covid delays, but there is no sense staying with a service that is not helping you.

Good luck in finding some relief!

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to Missy100

Thank you so much! That’s so kind of you to give such a range of suggestions and I’ll definitely be giving these a try, I was also worried about becoming dehydrated or damaging my throat/teeth with vomiting so much, I am definitely going to seek more help. I have spoken to a private consultant who seems much more helpful as I just can’t take this any more, he suggested Amitriptyline and excision surgery so hopefully this will help too xx

Missy100 profile image
Missy100 in reply to GoldenGirl2002

I'm so glad to hear you have received some positive advice on how to move forward. Good luck!

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to Missy100

Thank you! Xx

MrsMarlene profile image
MrsMarlene in reply to Missy100

Could you share the sellers detsils on Etsy for the heatbag you get please? I have a YuYu hot water bottle but need something smaller to take to work.

Missy100 profile image
Missy100 in reply to MrsMarlene

Hi MissMarlene,

The Etsy seller I get my heat bags from is called MyVintageCow. She is located in Nottingham, England. She is great at responding and trying to help with custom orders as well. For example, for one of my sectioned bags I purchased from her she made me a couple of washable covers for it at very little extra. I opt for her unscented flaxseed ones. When new, the flaxseed does have a light 'clean' scent that fades with use.

MrsMarlene profile image
MrsMarlene in reply to Missy100

Thank you so much xx

You poor gal!

Lots of great advice from the other lovely ladies on here.

The only thing I could keep down in the throws of extreme sickness was jelly - try making some with an energy drink so you're replacing your electrolytes.

I also couldn't keep down any still or overly flavoured drink, so sparkling water in small sips was my go-to.

So sorry to hear what you're going through, but you definitely need medical answers very soon.

Big (gentle) hugs xx

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to PurpleSynesthesia

Thank you this is so kind, I’m trying to keep hydrated but especially at the end of the day I can’t keep any food properly! I just feel like I’m stuck in a loop it’s horrible! Thank you for the advice and your kindness xx

Saib26 profile image

Have you gotten an MRI. I knew I had endometriosis but apparently my vomiting was due to adenomyosis which has recently discovered in an MRI.

For vomiting what helped me was severely very small meals a day. The key was also keeping the pain away or at a minimal as that instantly cured the vomiting. So I took painkillers. I also had a just a few sips of 7 up mixed with salt. I dont know what that did but it settled my stomach whenever nauseated.

Hope this helps and get well soon.

GoldenGirl2002 profile image
GoldenGirl2002 in reply to Saib26

I haven’t had one I didn’t realize there could be other options for vomiting! This is really helpful thank you so much! X

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