My last lap was just a look inside my recovery was around 5 days.
This one they are doing more.
Any idea how long for removing it and a night in hospital / catheter in?
2 weeks?
My last lap was just a look inside my recovery was around 5 days.
This one they are doing more.
Any idea how long for removing it and a night in hospital / catheter in?
2 weeks?
Hi. I had my first lap exactly one week ago. They removed adhesions and endo from quite a few places. I’m recovering every day but still am not strong enough to leave the house past the end of my road or go to work. So two weeks is a good estimate for recovery needed in my view. Good luck!
Ps. I also got my period three days after the lap which I think has made recovery a little slower. It was painful to have that all going on at once.
It really depends on how much they do. My second lap I took about 6 weeks to recover as they removed a lot of infiltrative endo , my necrotic left fallopian tube broke down adhesions etc ( surgical time over 4 hours). Lap 3 they couldn't get at a lot of what they think is there so did less but still about 3 hours of surgery including adhesion lysis it took about 2-3 weeks to heal ( difficult to say as unfortunately i got no improvement in my endo so was in chronic pain with that so difficult to tell lap pain from endo pain iykwim)
So I think it really does depend on what they do in there. It is a bit like saying how long does it take to go for a drive. It depends in where you drive too.
Good luck. X
Do you know how long the catheter will be in for? My next op is an open procedure and I’ll have a catheter in for 10 days - I won’t be going back to work with the catheter in!! 😊 I would say an absolute minimum of 2 weeks depending how complex the surgery is x
Hi Kate,
I had 2 endometrioma cysts removed from both ovaries and also some more tissues next to bladder and womb. My recovery has taken two full weeks. I feel much better this week and I've entered my third week. I just have (still on since 7 days) a horrible long and heavy period and pre-period I had quite bad ovary pains; but they do say that after such operation you can get a very bad first period.
Best of luck!! xx
But as other people have pointed out, it depends how long your laparoscopy will be. If it's a standard 90 minutes operation then the recovery should not be too long. But I think that if the operation is longer, it means they had to remove more things or there were complications, etc.. and in that case the recovery will also be longer of course. Hopefully this is not your case
I don’t have any cysts or ovaries to be removed just removing the endo which is extensive. I have something 2 weeks after my operation to go to if I can but I’ll just be sitting there for a hair job and my mum can drive me all being well! Obviously if I’m not well Enough I can’t do it and they will have to find someone else but hoping by 2 weeks I’ll be well enough to leave the house
Catheter will be in for a day I think but I can request not to have it