I can't snap out of this sad feeling it's been so over powering today I just want to end my life I don't know how much more I can of this
Feeling so low: I can't snap out of this... - Endometriosis UK
Feeling so low

I know it’s terribly hard, I suffer with awful bouts of depression, but you just absolutely can’t let this disease win. Have you got pain management scheme in place? Do you have a good support structure? I talk to a psychologist once a week who has a lot of experience in dealing with chronic pain conditions and that really helps me.
I’ve just seemed to come out of a weeks-long depressive fog so you will feel better again even though it seems impossible. Just try and take it hour by hour, day by day and know that people care about you! This is such a caring community on here of sisterly strength. Sending big (but gentle) hugs xxxxx
Oww I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so low. Depression is just awful.
Have you seen your GP? Or is there a service you could contact for an emergency appointment? Or can you go and stay with a friend for a day or two?
I really hope you feel better soon, reach out and ask for help If you can. You can do this! Xxx
Do you have someone close you can speak to? Please don't feel like you're alone, there are lots of us on here who can speak to you, it can be horribly tough but you can feel better again <3
Ty xxx
Thinking of you Loulou - hope you're feeling a bit better this morning.
If you need someone to talk to - try Samaritans on 116 123 samaritans.org
A+E is always there if you need it - most A+Es have mental health professionals on hand 24/7. If you are feeling suicidal it's the quickest way to get help.
Stay safe.
Thank you feeling a bit today iv been admitted to the princess Anne hospital since last Thursday to manage pain ECT and push for my ct scan and blood specialist appointment (for suspected leukimea) iv had my ct scan this morning so should know more this afternoon
Since last night they have now put me on stronger pain relief and I'm needing 3 types of anti biotics via iv
The support on here has been outstanding
I'll keep you all updated
Thank you sooo soo much girls xxxxx
So had my ct scan they have found a mass near my right ovary and on my right kidney and showed an obstruction on my wee tubes was taken down for kidney surgery last night they have put 2 stents one in each kidney to keep an open flow and now ordering a mri scan
Still not aloud home so still in hospital
They won't do surgery to give me hysterectomy due to frozen pelvis and endometriosis as there is too much inflammation so still on 4 types of anti biotics via I v
Iv got so many holes and bruises from all the tests